in india nitinbhai is very good at pine script and his indicator mix mars indicator is very good than relative strength.
so please consider to add MIX MARS indicator and its code is open source.
it is as under
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
// © finallynitin
//original concept from dman103
//modified from “Percentage Relative Strength” script by dman103 Percentage Relative Strength — Indicator by dman103 — TradingView
indicator(‘Moving Average Relative Strength’, shorttitle=“MARS”, timeframe=‘’)
matype = input.string(title=‘Moving Average Type’, defval=‘SMA’, options=[‘SMA’, ‘EMA’, ‘WMA’], group=‘Moving Average’)
malength = input(title=‘Moving Average Length’, defval=50, group=‘Moving Average’)
index = input.string(title=‘Index to compare To’, defval=‘NSE:NIFTY’, options=[‘NSE:NIFTY’, ‘NSE:CNX500’, ‘NSE:NIFTYSMLCAP250’, ‘NSE:CNXSMALLCAP’],group=‘Relative Strength’)
compareToOtherIndex = input.bool (title=“Compare to different index?”, defval=false,group=‘Relative Strength’,inline=‘Different compare’)
otherIndex = input.symbol(title=‘’, defval=‘’,group=‘Relative Strength’,inline=‘Different compare’)
Paintbar=input(false,‘Paint Bar?’, group=“Customisation”)
Backgroundcolor=input(true,‘Background Color?’, group=“Customisation”)
Easycolors=input(false,‘Easy Colors?’, group=“Customisation”)
showZeroLine = input.bool(defval=false, title=“Show Zero Line”, inline=‘line 1’, group=“Customisation”)
zerocolor = input(, title=‘’, inline=‘line 1’, group=“Customisation”)
//Color palette
ropcolor = input(#32CD32, “Relative Outperformance”, group=“Histogram Colors”)
gopcolor = input(#228B22, “Gross Outperformance”, group=“Histogram Colors”)
aopcolor = input(#5ea3f0, “Absolute Outperformance”, group=“Histogram Colors”)
rupcolor = input(#df6b90, “Relative Underperformance”, group=“Histogram Colors”)
gupcolor = input(color.maroon, “Gross Underperformance”, group=“Histogram Colors”)
aupcolor = input(, “Absolute Underperformance”, group=“Histogram Colors”)
ColorUp = #5ea3f0
ColorDown = #df6b90
//Configuring the Moving Average
ma_function(source, length) =>
if matype == ‘SMA’
ta.sma(source, length)
if matype == ‘EMA’
ta.ema(source, length)
if matype == ‘WMA’
ta.wma(source, length)
// Basic conditions
indexToUse = compareToOtherIndex==false ? index : otherIndex
closeIndex =, timeframe.period, close)
ma = ma_function(close, malength)
maIndex = ma_function(closeIndex, malength)
symbolPercent = (close - ma) / ma * 100
indexPercent = (closeIndex - maIndex) / maIndex * 100
val = symbolPercent - indexPercent
priceIsAboveMa = close > ma
priceIsAboveIndexMa = closeIndex > maIndex
indexgreen =, timeframe.period, priceIsAboveIndexMa)
priceIsBelowMa = close <= ma
priceIsBelowIndexMa = closeIndex <= maIndex
indexred =, timeframe.period, priceIsBelowIndexMa)
iff_1 = indexred ? #FBAED2 :
IndexColor = indexgreen ? #9BDDFF : iff_1
//Color coding
rop = indexred and priceIsBelowMa and val>0
gop = indexgreen and priceIsAboveMa and val>0
aop = indexred and priceIsAboveMa
rup = indexgreen and priceIsAboveMa and val<0
gup = indexred and priceIsBelowMa and val<0
aup = indexgreen and priceIsBelowMa
BarColor = rop ? ropcolor : gop ? gopcolor : aop ? aopcolor : rup ? rupcolor : gup ? gupcolor : aup ? aupcolor : color.gray
EasyColor = val >= 0 ? ColorUp : ColorDown
BackColor =, 20)
bgcolor(Backgroundcolor? BackColor : na)
barcolor(Paintbar? BarColor : na)
plot(val, color=Easycolors ? EasyColor : BarColor, style=plot.style_columns, linewidth=5)
plot(showZeroLine ? 0 : na, linewidth=1, color=zerocolor, title=“Zero Line”)
@RahulDeshpande @Naman @Poornima @PravinJ
and indicator discription is