Corporate Action – Demerger of Chemical Business of Oriental Carbon & Chemicals

@Dhina_Paneerselvam Yes. As you had the shares as on the record date, you will be eligible for the demerger benefit. Also check with the dates of your transactions to get a better clarity.

I bought on June 28 sir

sir any luck or progress on knowing when will the new shares come to our demat act and trading will start for that. its almost 2 weeks now

I can confirm that I’ve received an email that 4182 shares of OCCL have been credited to my demat account. I had 836 shares of the original company. No idea about the list price yet.

@Dhina_Paneerselvam As you purchased shares on June 28, they would be settled on June 29 (T+1) settlement and hence as on the record date, 1 July - you would be eligible share holder for the corporate action. Note that the only miss here could be shortage of delivery. Incase the seller did not fulfil his/her obligation then you might not receive the shares.

@Kushal_Jain No updated received on this front from the company. The existing shareholders do get intimation of credit of shares from the CDSL over email and SMS (like @watteroy got). Do check your email.

@watteroy Listing date and COA will be released by the company. Until then you can see these shares on your DP Holding Statement but not on Dhan Portfolio (as they are not traded)

I have credited 1500 shares in my portfolio but it shows inactive stocks

@Dhina_Paneerselvam Yes because it is not listed on the stock exchange(s). The company will apply for the listing and exchange will share a listing date. Post that listing date, the shares will be available for trading and you can view them in Dhan Portfolio.

Thank you sir

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i have 8 quantity of occl…now in mail id credited 40 quantity…
after listing how many share got…total 40 or 48

I did not receive any mail regarding allocation of shares and it is not showing anywhere. Will i still get it?

@DABHI_ASHVIN You have got 40 shares of the demerged company and 8 shares of the parent company. Here the names are same but the parent company is likely to undergo a name change. Both of these companies will have separate ISIN.

@Sumegh_Singhania please check your registered email ID with CDSL, the communication on this front is sent by the depositories directly to the client.

Sir existing company is chemical company ya new listing is

@Dhingrarohit122 New company would be engaged in the chemical business, the existing company will act just as an NBFC.

when will be the lisiting date of the new company.

@Lalchand_Omprakash The listing of the new company is not yet decided. The exchange will release a circular on when the stock will be permitted to trade on the exchange(s)

any tentative date for listing ,usually based on your experience, how much time it takes sir ?

Sir what is the floor price of new listing

sir by any chance did u came across any new information/update regarding new shares ,its been a month and our amt is blocked/locked etc

@Kushal_Jain There is no updated communication by the company on this front. To know more, as a shareholder you can reach out to the investor relations and RTA over email and your query will be addressed. Note that as a shareholder, its your right to get the required information.

@Dhingrarohit122 there is no floor price of listing as such. The price discovery happens with demand supply equilibrium.

Hi is there any further updates on the demerged company…the shares of only one company is reflecting on my demat account…