Introducing: Scalper on TradingView Charts (

Hello @Vaibhav1007

We have this enabled for all segments and instruments. Can you please share what is the error that you are getting here, when trying with Equity Options?

Saw this neat feature in fyers - scalper via video by subhadeep nandy.
The ATM CE and PE open simultaneously with the chart of the underlying.

Is such or similar feature present in Dhan where I can get both ATM CE and PE together in a single click ?

Hi @KalpaTrader Well, Dhan was the first platform to introduce Scalper on TradingView charts and now we are seeing versions of this come by. That’s fine., it is expected.

Our aim with Scalper is to keep things super simpler for users. Some of the modifications made on other platforms just to be a little more innovative are actually distracting for a scalper. As always we launch features based on our insights & feedback / suggestions - not because of other platforms having them.

Dhan already introduced this on Options Trader as well as Dhan app long time back. More here - Introducing : Scalper on Charts on Options Trader app

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Scalper on Dhan is at the sweet spot. Perfect balance between speed and efficiency while keeping focus, intact.

One wish though, if could you do something about pre-set position size in MTF, like you do with pre-set quantity. PriceMax is not cutting it at the moment, with me.

Scalper is good. I do agree. It’s infact one of the good things on Dhan. However if team could reduce the ui elements size such as buttons and huge scalper logo and make chart window as big as possible, that would be great. Because as traders we need to see charts. I am talking from phone trader POV.

@PravinJ . Humble request. This would make a huge difference