Learn Algo Trading with Python | Codes | Youtube Series

@thakurmhn @Kalpeshh_Patel @Subhajitpanja @Jyothi_Chilukoti @Aijaz_Ahmad @Priyesh_Sharma @Arun_Rawat @Shravan_Kotagi

we have made some changes in Dhan_Tradehull_V2 related to debug mode and start date in historical data

  1. Download the updated Tradehull_Dhan_V2
    Dhan_Tradehull_V2.py - Google Drive

  2. In you folder delete existing Tradehull_Dhan_V2 and paste the recently downloaded Tradehull_Dhan_V2

  3. Run your code again. If any issues, share me the google drive link