Thank You @Tradehull_Imran
thank you sir for the reply, my code is working fine now. but it is taking 22:39 minutes to scan whole watchlist . is there any other method to scan stocks faster.
Hi @Tradehull_Imran,
what does this error mean and how to resolve this …
→ ce_name, pe_name, strike = tsl.ATM_Strike_Selection(Underlying=‘TITAN’, Expiry=0)
(Pdb++) n
exception got in ce_pe_option_df TITAN Not in the step list
Expiry List for NIFTY is ['2025-02-27', '2025-03-27', '2025-04-24']
Expiry List for BANKNIFTY is ['2025-02-27', '2025-03-27', '2025-04-24']
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for FINNIFTY is []
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for MIDCPNIFTY is []
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for SENSEX is []
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for BANKEX is []
working only for NIFTY & BANKNIFTY. and also, its returning only monthly dates for NIFTY
Hi @sreetd14 ,
Do use the update codebase:
Do share your code, will check if any optimization is possible.
Hi @Akshay_Bawane ,
To modify and get these we need to learn pandas. Regarding this series will be released soon.
The expiry list can be fetched from instrument file using pandas.
For monthly expiry you can use the reference code:
sir ek order place ment ka code dummy dijiye , jisme order place ho, sl ho aur target bhi ho.
Hi @Ganesh ,
Use the below reference code:
import pdb
import time
import datetime
import traceback
from Dhan_Tradehull import Tradehull
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint
import talib
import pandas_ta as ta
import xlwings as xw
import winsound
client_code = "1102790337"
token_id = "bhgvsaoieqhjvhg"
tsl = Tradehull(client_code,token_id)
# Uncomment below code to do pre market scanning
# watchlist = []
# for name in pre_market_watchlist:
# print("Pre market scanning ", name)
# day_chart = tsl.get_historical_data(tradingsymbol = name,exchange = 'NSE',timeframe="DAY")
# day_chart['upperband'], day_chart['middleband'], day_chart['lowerband'] = talib.BBANDS(day_chart['close'], timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
# last_day_candle = day_chart.iloc[-1]
# upper_breakout = last_day_candle['high'] > last_day_candle['upperband']
# lower_breakout = last_day_candle['low'] < last_day_candle['lowerband']
# if upper_breakout or lower_breakout:
# watchlist.append(name)
# print(f"\t selected {name} for trading")
# pdb.set_trace()
# print(watchlist)
# # pdb.set_trace()
single_order = {'name':None, 'date':None , 'entry_time': None, 'entry_price': None, 'buy_sell': None, 'qty': None, 'sl': None, 'exit_time': None, 'exit_price': None, 'pnl': None, 'remark': None, 'traded':None}
orderbook = {}
wb = xw.Book('Live Trade Data.xlsx')
live_Trading = wb.sheets['Live_Trading']
completed_orders_sheet = wb.sheets['completed_orders']
reentry = "yes" #"yes/no"
completed_orders = []
bot_token = "8059847390:AAECSnQK-yOaGJ-clJchb1cx8CDhx2VQq-M"
receiver_chat_id = "1918451082"
live_Trading.range("A2:Z100").value = None
completed_orders_sheet.range("A2:Z100").value = None
for name in watchlist:
orderbook[name] = single_order.copy()
while True:
print("starting while Loop \n\n")
current_time =
if current_time < datetime.time(13, 55):
print(f"Wait for market to start", current_time)
if current_time > datetime.time(15, 15):
order_details = tsl.cancel_all_orders()
print(f"Market over Closing all trades !! Bye Bye See you Tomorrow", current_time)
all_ltp = tsl.get_ltp_data(names = watchlist)
for name in watchlist:
orderbook_df = pd.DataFrame(orderbook).T
live_Trading.range('A1').value = orderbook_df
completed_orders_df = pd.DataFrame(completed_orders)
completed_orders_sheet.range('A1').value = completed_orders_df
current_time =
print(f"Scanning {name} {current_time}")
chart = tsl.get_historical_data(tradingsymbol = name,exchange = 'NSE',timeframe="5")
chart['rsi'] = talib.RSI(chart['close'], timeperiod=14)
cc = chart.iloc[-2]
# buy entry conditions
bc1 = cc['rsi'] > 45
bc2 = orderbook[name]['traded'] is None
except Exception as e:
if bc1 and bc2:
print("buy ", name, "\t")
margin_avialable = tsl.get_balance()
margin_required = cc['close']/4.5
if margin_avialable < margin_required:
print(f"Less margin, not taking order : margin_avialable is {margin_avialable} and margin_required is {margin_required} for {name}")
orderbook[name]['name'] = name
orderbook[name]['date'] = str(
orderbook[name]['entry_time'] = str(current_time.time())[:8]
orderbook[name]['buy_sell'] = "BUY"
orderbook[name]['qty'] = 1
entry_orderid = tsl.order_placement(tradingsymbol=name ,exchange='NSE', quantity=orderbook[name]['qty'], price=0, trigger_price=0, order_type='MARKET', transaction_type='BUY', trade_type='MIS')
orderbook[name]['entry_orderid'] = entry_orderid
orderbook[name]['entry_price'] = tsl.get_executed_price(orderid=orderbook[name]['entry_orderid'])
orderbook[name]['tg'] = round(orderbook[name]['entry_price']*1.002, 1) # 1.01
orderbook[name]['sl'] = round(orderbook[name]['entry_price']*0.998, 1) # 99
sl_orderid = tsl.order_placement(tradingsymbol=name ,exchange='NSE', quantity=orderbook[name]['qty'], price=0, trigger_price=orderbook[name]['sl'], order_type='STOPMARKET', transaction_type ='SELL', trade_type='MIS')
orderbook[name]['sl_orderid'] = sl_orderid
orderbook[name]['traded'] = "yes"
message = "\n".join(f"'{key}': {repr(value)}" for key, value in orderbook[name].items())
message = f"Entry_done {name} \n\n {message}"
except Exception as e:
pdb.set_trace(header= "error in entry order")
if orderbook[name]['traded'] == "yes":
bought = orderbook[name]['buy_sell'] == "BUY"
if bought:
ltp = all_ltp[name]
sl_hit = tsl.get_order_status(orderid=orderbook[name]['sl_orderid']) == "TRADED"
tg_hit = ltp > orderbook[name]['tg']
except Exception as e:
pdb.set_trace(header = "error in sl order cheking")
if sl_hit:
orderbook[name]['exit_time'] = str(current_time.time())[:8]
orderbook[name]['exit_price'] = tsl.get_executed_price(orderid=orderbook[name]['sl_orderid'])
orderbook[name]['pnl'] = round((orderbook[name]['exit_price'] - orderbook[name]['entry_price'])*orderbook[name]['qty'],1)
orderbook[name]['remark'] = "Bought_SL_hit"
message = "\n".join(f"'{key}': {repr(value)}" for key, value in orderbook[name].items())
message = f"SL_HIT {name} \n\n {message}"
if reentry == "yes":
orderbook[name] = None
except Exception as e:
pdb.set_trace(header = "error in sl_hit")
if tg_hit:
square_off_buy_order = tsl.order_placement(tradingsymbol=orderbook[name]['name'] ,exchange='NSE', quantity=orderbook[name]['qty'], price=0, trigger_price=0, order_type='MARKET', transaction_type='SELL', trade_type='MIS')
orderbook[name]['exit_time'] = str(current_time.time())[:8]
orderbook[name]['exit_price'] = tsl.get_executed_price(orderid=square_off_buy_order)
orderbook[name]['pnl'] = (orderbook[name]['exit_price'] - orderbook[name]['entry_price'])*orderbook[name]['qty']
orderbook[name]['remark'] = "Bought_TG_hit"
message = "\n".join(f"'{key}': {repr(value)}" for key, value in orderbook[name].items())
message = f"TG_HIT {name} \n\n {message}"
if reentry == "yes":
orderbook[name] = None
winsound.Beep(1500, 10000)
except Exception as e:
pdb.set_trace(header = "error in tg_hit")
Thank you sir, here is a link to the file.
i m getting this error while feching historical data please guide
although i reciving ltp CE name pe name etc with pdb
Thanks @Tradehull_Imran ,
Much excited for the next series…
Hello @Tradehull_Imran ,
did you launch the video ? am i missing anything ?
I have one question regarding historical data fetch… i am trying to get 5 min historical data but i am getting only 150 candle back data… means today i am getting data from first 5 min candle of 4 feb till today… can we get one more day data means data from 3rd feb till today?
@Tradehull_Imran Sir,
My orb breakout algo is ready with your kind help. no please help me in order placement. What kind of Intraday Order should I place, initially I will take care of prices, to be atleast 20% less or more than the current price… also pls give the syntax of the same too…
once again lots of thanks.
have a nice day…