Learn Algo Trading with Python | Codes | Youtube Series

Thank You @Tradehull_Imran

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thank you sir for the reply, my code is working fine now. but it is taking 22:39 minutes to scan whole watchlist :sweat_smile:. is there any other method to scan stocks faster.

Hi @Tradehull_Imran,
what does this error mean and how to resolve this …

→ ce_name, pe_name, strike = tsl.ATM_Strike_Selection(Underlying=‘TITAN’, Expiry=0)
(Pdb++) n
exception got in ce_pe_option_df TITAN Not in the step list

Expiry List for NIFTY is ['2025-02-27', '2025-03-27', '2025-04-24']
Expiry List for BANKNIFTY is ['2025-02-27', '2025-03-27', '2025-04-24']
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for FINNIFTY is []
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for MIDCPNIFTY is []
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for SENSEX is []
Exception at getting Expiry list as {'status': 'failure', 'remarks': {'error_code': None, 'error_type': None, 'error_message': None}, 'data': {'data': {'813': 'Invalid SecurityId'}, 'status': 'failed'}}
[ZeroBot] Expiry List for BANKEX is []

working only for NIFTY & BANKNIFTY. and also, its returning only monthly dates for NIFTY

Hi @sreetd14 ,

Do use the update codebase:

Hi @Abhishek_Pawde

Do share your code, will check if any optimization is possible.

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Hi @Ganesh ,

Do refer this video:

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Hi @Akshay_Bawane ,

To modify and get these we need to learn pandas. Regarding this series will be released soon.

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Hi @Rajashekhar_Rangappa ,

The expiry list can be fetched from instrument file using pandas.

For monthly expiry you can use the reference code:

sir ek order place ment ka code dummy dijiye , jisme order place ho, sl ho aur target bhi ho.


Hi @Ganesh ,
Use the below reference code:

import pdb
import time
import datetime
import traceback
from Dhan_Tradehull import Tradehull
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint
import talib
import pandas_ta as ta
import xlwings as xw
import winsound

client_code = "1102790337"
token_id    = "bhgvsaoieqhjvhg"
tsl         = Tradehull(client_code,token_id)

# Uncomment below code to do pre market scanning
# watchlist                   = []

# for name in pre_market_watchlist:

# 	print("Pre market scanning ", name)
# 	day_chart = tsl.get_historical_data(tradingsymbol = name,exchange = 'NSE',timeframe="DAY")
# 	day_chart['upperband'], day_chart['middleband'], day_chart['lowerband'] = talib.BBANDS(day_chart['close'], timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)

# 	last_day_candle = day_chart.iloc[-1]

# 	upper_breakout = last_day_candle['high'] > last_day_candle['upperband']
# 	lower_breakout = last_day_candle['low'] < last_day_candle['lowerband']

# 	if upper_breakout or lower_breakout:
# 		watchlist.append(name)
# 		print(f"\t selected {name} for trading")
# 		pdb.set_trace()

# print(watchlist)
# # pdb.set_trace()


single_order     = {'name':None, 'date':None , 'entry_time': None, 'entry_price': None, 'buy_sell': None, 'qty': None, 'sl': None, 'exit_time': None, 'exit_price': None, 'pnl': None, 'remark': None, 'traded':None}
orderbook        = {}
wb               = xw.Book('Live Trade Data.xlsx')
live_Trading     = wb.sheets['Live_Trading']
completed_orders_sheet = wb.sheets['completed_orders']
reentry          = "yes" #"yes/no"
completed_orders = []

bot_token        = "8059847390:AAECSnQK-yOaGJ-clJchb1cx8CDhx2VQq-M"
receiver_chat_id = "1918451082"

live_Trading.range("A2:Z100").value = None
completed_orders_sheet.range("A2:Z100").value = None

for name in watchlist:
	orderbook[name] = single_order.copy()

while True:

	print("starting while Loop \n\n")

	current_time = datetime.datetime.now().time()
	if current_time < datetime.time(13, 55):
		print(f"Wait for market to start", current_time)

	if current_time > datetime.time(15, 15):
		order_details = tsl.cancel_all_orders()
		print(f"Market over Closing all trades !! Bye Bye See you Tomorrow", current_time)

	all_ltp = tsl.get_ltp_data(names = watchlist)
	for name in watchlist:

		orderbook_df                       = pd.DataFrame(orderbook).T
		live_Trading.range('A1').value     = orderbook_df

		completed_orders_df                =  pd.DataFrame(completed_orders)
		completed_orders_sheet.range('A1').value = completed_orders_df

		current_time          = datetime.datetime.now()
		print(f"Scanning        {name} {current_time}")

			chart                 = tsl.get_historical_data(tradingsymbol = name,exchange = 'NSE',timeframe="5")
			chart['rsi']          = talib.RSI(chart['close'], timeperiod=14)
			cc  = chart.iloc[-2]

			# buy entry conditions
			bc1 = cc['rsi'] > 45
			bc2 = orderbook[name]['traded'] is None
		except Exception as e:

		if bc1 and bc2:
			print("buy ", name, "\t")

			margin_avialable = tsl.get_balance()
			margin_required  = cc['close']/4.5

			if margin_avialable < margin_required:
				print(f"Less margin, not taking order : margin_avialable is {margin_avialable} and margin_required is {margin_required} for {name}")

			orderbook[name]['name']           = name
			orderbook[name]['date']           = str(current_time.date())
			orderbook[name]['entry_time']     = str(current_time.time())[:8]
			orderbook[name]['buy_sell']       = "BUY"
			orderbook[name]['qty']            = 1

				entry_orderid                     = tsl.order_placement(tradingsymbol=name ,exchange='NSE', quantity=orderbook[name]['qty'], price=0, trigger_price=0,    order_type='MARKET',     transaction_type='BUY',   trade_type='MIS')
				orderbook[name]['entry_orderid']  = entry_orderid
				orderbook[name]['entry_price']    = tsl.get_executed_price(orderid=orderbook[name]['entry_orderid'])

				orderbook[name]['tg']             = round(orderbook[name]['entry_price']*1.002, 1)   # 1.01
				orderbook[name]['sl']             = round(orderbook[name]['entry_price']*0.998, 1)    # 99
				sl_orderid                        = tsl.order_placement(tradingsymbol=name ,exchange='NSE', quantity=orderbook[name]['qty'], price=0, trigger_price=orderbook[name]['sl'], order_type='STOPMARKET', transaction_type ='SELL', trade_type='MIS')
				orderbook[name]['sl_orderid']     = sl_orderid
				orderbook[name]['traded']         = "yes"

				message = "\n".join(f"'{key}': {repr(value)}" for key, value in orderbook[name].items())
				message = f"Entry_done {name} \n\n {message}"

			except Exception as e:
				pdb.set_trace(header= "error in entry order")

		if orderbook[name]['traded'] == "yes":
			bought = orderbook[name]['buy_sell'] == "BUY"

			if bought:

					ltp       = all_ltp[name]
					sl_hit    = tsl.get_order_status(orderid=orderbook[name]['sl_orderid']) == "TRADED"
					tg_hit    = ltp > orderbook[name]['tg']
				except Exception as e:
					pdb.set_trace(header = "error in sl order cheking")

				if sl_hit:

						orderbook[name]['exit_time']  = str(current_time.time())[:8]
						orderbook[name]['exit_price'] = tsl.get_executed_price(orderid=orderbook[name]['sl_orderid'])
						orderbook[name]['pnl']        = round((orderbook[name]['exit_price'] - orderbook[name]['entry_price'])*orderbook[name]['qty'],1)
						orderbook[name]['remark']     = "Bought_SL_hit"

						message = "\n".join(f"'{key}': {repr(value)}" for key, value in orderbook[name].items())
						message = f"SL_HIT {name} \n\n {message}"

						if reentry == "yes":
							orderbook[name] = None
					except Exception as e:
						pdb.set_trace(header = "error in sl_hit")

				if tg_hit:

						square_off_buy_order          = tsl.order_placement(tradingsymbol=orderbook[name]['name'] ,exchange='NSE', quantity=orderbook[name]['qty'], price=0, trigger_price=0,    order_type='MARKET',     transaction_type='SELL',   trade_type='MIS')

						orderbook[name]['exit_time']  = str(current_time.time())[:8]
						orderbook[name]['exit_price'] = tsl.get_executed_price(orderid=square_off_buy_order)
						orderbook[name]['pnl']        = (orderbook[name]['exit_price'] - orderbook[name]['entry_price'])*orderbook[name]['qty']
						orderbook[name]['remark']     = "Bought_TG_hit"

						message = "\n".join(f"'{key}': {repr(value)}" for key, value in orderbook[name].items())
						message = f"TG_HIT {name} \n\n {message}"

						if reentry == "yes":
							orderbook[name] = None

						winsound.Beep(1500, 10000)

					except Exception as e:
						pdb.set_trace(header = "error in tg_hit")

Thank you sir, here is a link to the file.

i m getting this error while feching historical data please guide

although i reciving ltp CE name pe name etc with pdb

reciveing when i call hist data with pdb

Thanks @Tradehull_Imran ,
Much excited for the next series… :hugs:

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Hello @Tradehull_Imran ,

did you launch the video ? am i missing anything ?


I have one question regarding historical data fetch… i am trying to get 5 min historical data but i am getting only 150 candle back data… means today i am getting data from first 5 min candle of 4 feb till today… can we get one more day data means data from 3rd feb till today?

@Tradehull_Imran Sir,

My orb breakout algo is ready with your kind help. no please help me in order placement. What kind of Intraday Order should I place, initially I will take care of prices, to be atleast 20% less or more than the current price… also pls give the syntax of the same too…

once again lots of thanks. :slight_smile:

have a nice day…

Finally wait is over