Learn Algo Trading with Python | Codes | Youtube Series

Hi @jain79
Do subscribe to Data api as well. I think mostly trading api has been subscribed.


Hi Imran, I hope you are doing well. Thanks for teaching Algo trading with Python.

I have a couple of questions.

  1. What is the difference b/w Dhan Trading Api and Data Api?
  2. Do I need to subscribe to Data Api to get intraday live prices to run 1st algo created by you and also to use your Excel file?
  3. How to get user name using python code?



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Thank you for explaining Algo Trading in easiest way.

Looks like there is some issue with talib in my setup.
I am using python 3.10 and Windows 64 machine and installed

I am already importing pandas as pd in my code.

Chart variable data is also coming as None

Could you please assist me in resolving this? Attached is the snapshot for error details.

Hi @Siddhesh_Amrute
Do check this link for Ta-Lib issue

Can you make algo for me according to my theory?

Hi @Tradehull_Imran
i am able to fetch strike prices 5 above and below ATM,
now i want to check chart of those strikes prices (options chart not spot) to check whether is open=high or open=low. if this is found print
strike name.

can you please guide me, i spent more than 3 days,

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Hi Kshirsagar, Small question, did you subscribe to Data APIs to get the option prices

yes. i have subscribed

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Hi Imran, I have subscribed to Data API but not able to fetch LTP in Excel file, I am getting below error, could you suggest me to fix this issue.

hi @Jyothi_Chilukoti
The CMD panel is hidden by excel,
do send the screenshot of the cmd while the code is running it should have the error

Hi @Dharm2805
Do visit : https://tradehull.com/

Hi everyone,

Do check below video it shows how to send codes and errors on forum


Hi @Khandu_Kshirsagar

Sure, the code can be customised now to get options chart,
Do send me the code that you have written till now for the same
Important : Note that use should use </> button and paste the code there

How to send you code : Learn Algo Trading with Python | Codes | Youtube Series - #368 by Tradehull_Imran

Hi @Siddhesh_Amrute
Let me know if its fixed.

Hi @TusharKB

Solving \033 [36;01m etc numbers, is bit complex,
anyways its a rendering issue, and has no impact on the program
This can be safely ignored.

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  1. Trading api, gives Order Placement, Position Management, Statement Reports, Order Postbacks, CDSL Authorisation, Portfolio and Funds,

Data api gives : Tick by tick and historical data

  1. Yes

  2. This needs to be checked in Introduction - DhanHQ Ver 2.0 / API Document

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Yes its fixed after writing import talib in the code

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Thanks for the reply. I am getting WebSocket connection error and keep on printing fetching LTP

Hi @Jyothi_Chilukoti

Do send me complete zip of your folder, and share on the google drive link
share it with: tradehull_mentorship@tradehull.com