News alerts and in app notifications

Even after your news section upgrade, we want to keep eyeing that section throughout the day as it won’t give any push alerts or app notifications. It will be really hard to do the same. It will be very helpful if you can provide a user choice as to whether he wants any alerts or notifications wrt the news related to his watchlist or Portfolio stocks or global updates or every news update @Dhan @PravinJ . Do think and share your views

Hi @sri1647 Srikanth

News on Dhan has undergone massive update and more is planned in coming days. There will be actually 100s of news updates in a day and we don’t want to take a call on pushing app notifications for one or all of this. The breaking news will have a auto-push and they same are also limited to few per day.

Also important to understand that News is a complimentary service, free for all Dhan active users. It’s not our core business, which is and always will be investing & trade execution. We can’t make choices where messaging pipes for our users are choked with news… as in few days their will be 500 to 1000+ unique news updates available for you in a single day.

Yes, having said that we will be making news deeply integrated with stocks you track and ones you own. That’s on our to do list for sure :slight_smile:

Hi @PravinJ sir, thanks for your reply. But you need to understand from trader pov that it is not possible to keep an eye on every news every second. I am not asking to take dhan the call. I am requesting you to give a choice to user whether he wants all news or watchlist news or any some sector specific news alerts. Hope you understand.

Hi @PravinJ A small request regarding News feature. It’s always good to read all news but in regards to that we usually miss the news which is altually needed to us. There should a “search” feature in news section. For eg: if I have a position on CIPLA, I like to search Cipla and read any news(past or recent) for that, instead of all news. In today’s condition I have to keep scrolling down to see if there is any news for CIPLA.

Also one more request, if I have an open position then in Dhan it does not show how much fund is allocated/blocked for that specific position. Every other detail like Greeks, R:R, Max loss etc etc is provided. But a very important info like fund allocation is not provided. If I have 3 positions(each position with 3-4 legs) open then it’s very confusion that which position blocked how much fund. Also very confusion if I remove 1 leg or add 1 more leg then what will be the overall fund now for that position.

I am a professional traded and a big fan of Dhan after using it. Wish my request will be taken in effect and can be helpful for other Traders as well.


Hi @sushant_singh Thank you for your feedback. Regarding News, we understand the need for a more targeted and relevant approach to news consumption, and thus, are rolling out something very soon that will display relevant news directly on the company’s stock page. This should make it much easier for you to find the information you need without scrolling through a large volume of news. We believe this will address your issue. Once this feature is released, please let us know if it meets your needs. If not, we will be happy to re-evaluate the need for a search function within the news section itself.

For your second request, we do provide the margin blocked for each individual trade before you place a trade. Later, the margin summary also gives you the collective margin blocked for all your open positions. You can check the total margin blocked for all your trades in the Margin Summary under “Total Margin Utilised”. For individual trades, the margin required is shown on the order entry screen. Currently, we follow the standard industry practice. However, we understand your need to see the margin blocked for each position separately and have noted your feedback.

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@Radhika , can you comment on this as well? It would be glad if there is an option provided to get alerts for news related to watchlist & portfolio stocks or indices. If you feel they are disturbing, provide an user choice in traders control or settings.