PNL Report issue & Features to be added

Mam please shift from this lame system where you cant see p&l on app nor in dhan have to email to yourself.
I have completely shifted from this broker.i will stay with FYERS for the same as nothing new here except flashy app.

@Vishwajeet @nmw @ArpitRana @Roshan @jay @Techanalysis @Sunitha @vips0099 @Saurabh88 @Sachinkm

Please click here for a detailed article on Understanding the Traderā€™s Diary. It will help resolve most of your queries.

You can feel free to reach out for any specific query, would be happy to address and resolve.

@iamshrimohan @PravinJ @Kiran @Sachinkm , In trader diary main screen, what is showing is Realized profitā€¦ So it would be great if you show Net Realized profit instead Realized profit.

Other thing is that, in Net Realized profit ,you deduct all charges and brokerage. But if we buy some share through MTF then the interest charged by dhan using MTF is included in charges or not.

If not included then plz make some separate column and deduct from realized profit along with charges and brokerage.

Also, in Trader diary we have daily and monthly view style, so it would be great when you show total net realized profit from day -1 of account opening to till date. So, It will be easy to know Net profit instantly. Also, Corporate actions and IPO alloted shares profit is not shown in PNL report so how to know that profit and what is your planning to show that profit in Trader diary.

Because what I have get email from dhan regarding profit is not clear and understandable and in that report corporate actions and IPO alloted share profit ia not included.

I have told this thing multiple times in this community and through mail also but till now no improvement in PNL system. No body knows their Net realized profit till date from dhan report. So this is very serious issue and you people are not giving proper attention to handle this.

Please give some deadline when you will fix all these issues what I have mentioned earlier.

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Traderā€™s Diary is primarily made to capture the trade and trade related profit or less. Any other charges for example MTF interest charges will be captured in the ledger only (not even contract note for that matter). In Traderā€™s Diary, we have custom view in which you can set your dates as per your need. It should be noted that only realized profit is captured. Corporate Actions and IPO cannot be captured in the Traderā€™s Diary. We will soon revamp the P&L report that will solve this issue as well. Based on received feedback we will continue upgrading our product


Sir, While revampi P&L report, please make us to download P&. L report in Excel format also. It will be very useful for filing IT.
I hope you to do so .

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Hi @PSR noted this feedback, will ensure to add this on the next update.


Ok Sir. Thank you for the reply.

The P&L report in dhan is the worst. Even the 2 nd standard child calculation notebook is much better. Dhan is not taking priority to these statements, even after most users request. The look & feel in zerodha is awesome. It helps us to review our trading decisions. It is a basic thing in trading.

If we ask/ request anything, their reply is just we are building everything in a year which other brokers build over many years. I accept dhan is just one year old. But compare the brokerage charged by 10 years old strong core trading broker & dhan. Both are same. Then what is wrong in expecting the same experience from a 10 years broker.


Sir, itā€™s been over one year but your p&l report is not improved yetā€¦ I think before giving new features you should first concentrate on PNL reportā€¦every report of dhan is incomplete and not understable.

If we take example of system generated report which I get on mail id is incomplete reportā€¦ Because in that corporate actions and IPO alloted shares profit is not included, so how can I know exact profit till date??

Also, like Zerodha, you should have clear and simple report with four figures like Total Realized profit and Un realized profit , brokerage ,govt. charges , taxes and MTF interest .

So, in a single view one can know total profit of trading.

Also, if I take example of trader diary, it is also not complete reportā€¦ It has realized and net Realized profit but not included corporate actions and MTF interest charges.

Also, there is daily and monthly profit figures in trader diary but you should also show till date total realized profit and net Realized profit.

You can see zerodha and other platform pnl reportā€¦ Which is very clear and simple to understand. I donā€™t know how many years you people need to make simple PNL report. Always on asking, dhan gives same repetitive Statment to revamp PNL report but till now no improvement at all. Itā€™s a basic foundation of any broker .


Hi @Vishwajeet Corporate Actions cannot be captured in the P&L report (For example, Dividend gets credited to your bank account directly by the RTA. Bonus and Splits have no effect on your P&L as the effect is rationalized in price and quantity). For IPO, we are working towards adding that in P&L, it should be done in the next update.

In Traderā€™s Diary, currently we show the realized profit. Here as well, corporate actions cannot be captured. Also, MTF Interest are part of your Ledger and not trade. That maybe included in your Tax P&L report (as expense for trade).

The next version of P&L and Tax P&L will resolve issues faced. For any specific issues, feel free to drop us a line on and our team at @Dhan_Cares will assist with same.

@iamshrimohan @PravinJ Why dhan is not able to crack P&L issue since a long time??
Every time I message dhan team, same repetitive answer comes from all of you. Why canā€™t you bring simple and clear PNL report like other platform like zerodha.

By viewing your PNL report, one can not be clear that how much profit or loss is earned till time. In your report IPO shares profit and bonus shares profit ,nothing is added.

As, I am using your MTF facility but there is no system in your any report that how much interest charged by dhan since my first trade of using MTF.
If I message to your customer care support ,then they told to check ledger balance but am not able to get clear answer.

Why donā€™t you come up with single report with all things in one place so that customer can check any time net profit in fraction of time.

Net profit means where all charges, taxes and MTF interest is deducted from gross profit.

Also, it should be shown in your trader diary report. What is the use of trader report where information is incomplete?


Hi @Vishwajeet we understand your concern and are working towards it right from the time it was reported at first. The PNL is under QA and we are leaving no stones unturned to get this ahead. Though it looks easy to implement (from arithmetic perspective) do but it involves a lot of backend integration to get the data. Possibly by end of the month, it would be dispatched.

Hi @Vishwajeet,

While we work on enhancing our reports, in the meantime, the ledger reports can be exported in excel from our platforms, as per your custom time period. You may use this report to filter any charges as per your need - MTF interest, DPC interest, DP transaction, etc.

Same old issue , team dhan should really ask their team check research on other broker p&l

@PravinJ @Sachinkm @JayK @iamshrimohan @Pranita Hello dhan team, why you are not giving any summary for total MTF interest charges by dhan ??

There is no response from customer care side. They are just telling we are unable to give total figure. If you people are not able to give this figure. How u can expect that customer see ledger summary and then add all month mtf interest figure??

Also, since a long time you people are saying you are going to revamp you pnl report but till now in your pnl report , one common man canā€™t understand their exact profit earned till date.

Why you people complicate this pnl report??

There should be simple one summary in report in which all taxes, charges and MTF interest charge included and shown in report in single line and after that their gross profit. Finally net profit after deducting all charges from gross profit.

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Hi @Vishwajeet

Can you please share your details over DM or contact us at so we can connect with you.


Mob no-07737723558

Pls connect

Hi @Vishwajeet

Request you kindly check your DM.

Hi @Vishwajeet we tried reaching out to you yesterday, your phone number wasnā€™t reachable. Do let us know any appropriate time today so that we can connect with you.

Facing the same issue.
Total MTF intrest charges visible nowhere. Customer care support simply replay check your ledger summary