Feedback on Charts


Hi @vnsahil

UI feedback is always with a context, while your feedback on this view of screenshot is correct, there are high chances users mistake higher returns or losses for say 1 month as single day… which may result in incorrect trades being taken

Yes, we show data on Dhan on the ticket for single day only, it’s by design and not a bug. The navigation for time period shows a guidance on how stock has performed.

That aside, if you scroll bit below - you will see a comprehensive breakup of returns on the stock; screenshot below for your reference.

Hope this helps.

Unusual answer​:upside_down_face: every broker has graphic return feature No man if you really care about investor stop your fno segment :upside_down_face: a lot to improve you guy’s grinding deep in to your UI SAME to IPO page it’s been nightmare to find IPO dhan want’s to attracts more trader’s rather than investor simple :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend: