Quick Update: Price Alerts on Dhan

Do you have any update on this?

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hi dhan ! Please add custom alert tone for price alerts on dhan app. So that it can be known easily. And along with please disable the news notification (switch is not working on dhan app)

Hey @PravinJ
Thanks for the price alert feature, it works great.

I have a request.
Can your team consider adding a search button in price alert section?
As we add price alerts for multiple scripts, then if we need to look for the added price alert in future, we have to go through the complete list of alerts.

Please consider this and add this features if you find it necessary.

Thank You!

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hi @sahilalagh Another update on Price Alerts is due this year, made a note of your suggestion.

Can we expect to have price alerts directly from tv.dhan.co in this update?

Hi @Shally There are limitations with TradingView library that is made available to us. We are trying to explore if this can be made possible for our traders on Dhan.

Noted. Though donā€™t want to name it but one of the competitors has done a workaround. They have incorporated in the right click menu which when clicked take the user to a separate website for price alerts in which the stock name is already filled.


Have a few observation and feature requests for Price Alert Section, Consider them if possibleā€¦

  1. New Alert: Just like in the Mobile App, enable this ā€œNew Alertā€ Option in the Web Dhan as well so as to save us time and effort. iā€™m a TV.dhan web user, currently i am using the mobile app to place my alerts since i find the current way of placing alerts in web (Add to watchlist and then place alerts) very tedious.

  2. Target in One Direction: Currently, target price or % is being allowed in one direction per alert, so if im tracking a consolidation range and not sure of which way price will break, iā€™ll have to place 2 alerts 1 for above breakout and 1 for below breakdown, so need to search and add scrip twice to place 2 alerts, instead if we could have the option to update both up and down prices in 1 single alert.

  3. if Point 2 is not feasible, then provide a Recent Search cache, so that we need not type, search and add same scrip again. This is required in both Web and Mobile APP as well.

  4. Price Direction in Alert Popup: Not he lengthy text from Note, but if we could get to see our direction inputs like up or down on the fly during the alert popup, it would be of help

@PravinJ @Divyesh

No price alert receive
I donā€™t know what has happened

I did set price alert for PFC at 420, price reached 420 and got reversed as well, but no alert was received.

Team Dhan, I heavily rely on this price alert feature and incidents like these cause dents to my potential trading.

Please look into this matter and inform me what has happened.

I have attached relevant screenshots here

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Dhan Price Alerts on Mobile just doesnā€™t work

  • no notifications at all (sound or notification bar)
  • I have the switched OFF the news alert (maybe thatā€™s why itā€™s not coming)
  • I have checked every setting be it on Dhan App or my phoneā€™s notification settings
  • I had pinned in to my RAM. So it was always in the background.
  • Website alerts works

Please let me know what do I need to do

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Alerts are lot batter from past some months
But i want to request one thing if alerts come and after we look at it in achieve section there no option to look direct ,chart or my stock page

If there is any tile of stock page info it will be very convenient to action on those alert

As a Swing Trade we took watch (:watch::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) on charts and alertā€¦so if possible please add stock page or atleast charts in that alert

(:crazy_face: Ignore my weakness in english please)

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Hi @dark.lord94 Thank you, Price Alerts will undergo a massive update in coming monthsā€¦ we are changing many things here.


Thanks a lot for listening me. You have introduced biggest update so far. Thanks a lot.

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Dhan TVā€™s Price Alerts Forever??
We have to re-create the Price alert Again after Specific time (because of time limit for PRICE ALERT live on dhan tv) ??
Is there any time limit or This Price Alert LIVE forever??