Websocket API not working since market close yesterday

no messages are being received on websocket connection even with valid access tokens. This was working fine till yesterday.

I can confirm I have valid access to data APIs

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Hello @aakashlpin

Welcome to MadeForTrade community!

Can you DM your client ID? Also, is the authorisation successful, but you are not getting any packets?

my client id is 1000000931. Sending it here, unable to find a way to DM. What you’ve said is accurate, socket connection is getting established, but no packets are flowing in

@Hardik this is quite disruptive. Given Dhan doesn’t offer LTP APIs, this is the only way to get price data. Can we look into this urgently and expedite resolution here? Would also like to understand what went wrong, and if API users can be communicated when something like this happens.

Hello @aakashlpin

Are you getting the data now? We checked the performance and stability of the same and monitoring it as well.

We didn’t see any such disruption for all connected users.

Hey @Hardik! Difficult to share a reproducible example without sharing my API keys, but check this screenshot. I’ve simply ran example shared here - DhanHQ-js/examples/ts/src/marketfeed-demo.ts at main · dhan-oss/DhanHQ-js · GitHub and supplied my keys.

As you can see, no message packets are getting console logged (before one of the token was unsubscribed - which happened after 15seconds)

Let me know if I can share some more info.

Hi @Hardik. Did you get a chance to run the demo locally? Could you confirm if the nodejs wrapper is still working?


Maybe @vinay_sd17 can help you out with, as he is the one who created this library itself.

I’m sorry, @Hardik but this is not an acceptable answer. Dhan APIs are not free, and we’d expect Dhan team to coordinate internally and offer better resolutions. It’s been 3 days now.

I’m okay to cancel my API subscription and and go back to Zerodha API’s. Never faced an issue there. Lemme know how we should proceed.

Hello @aakashlpin

As you may know, websockets require handling of various different scenarios. The NodeJS library is actually an open source contribution from community and it is working well for a lot of users.

We believe in building all core infrastructure and APIs on our own, but also want to increase adoption with open source as well. That being said, I ran the code on local and it is working fine.

Hi @Hardik I apologize for the late reply. I see the V2 version of API is rolled out & the SDK is built on top of V1, which sends/expects Binary messages. So the issue is.

@Hardik @RahulDeshpande Is V1 API fully deprecated? Can’t we have backward compatibility with V1 for some time being?

Hello @vinay_sd17

v1 is still live and no changes on that. So this shouldn’t be an issue from server end.