What is the expected trigger price always this error code by order i is working properly but some times its not want to know the expected trigger price in percentage or in terms of price 'Trigger Gap Is Out Of The Specified Gap Range'

headers: [Object [AxiosHeaders]],
method: ‘post’,
url: ‘https://api.dhan.co/orders’,
data: ‘{“dhanClientId”:“***********”,“correlationId”:“BRITANNIA20240903”,“transactionType”:“SELL”,“exchangeSegment”:“NSE_EQ”,“productType”:“BO”,“orderType”:“LIMIT”,“validity”:“DAY”,“tradingSymbol”:“BRITANNIA”,“securityId”:“547”,“quantity”:1,“disclosedQuantity”:0,“price”:5720.7,“triggerPrice”:5721.7,“afterMarketOrder”:false,“amoTime”:“OPEN”,“boProfitValue”:2,“boStopLossValue”:0.95,“drvExpiryDate”:“”,“drvOptionType”:“NA”,“drvStrikePrice”:“”}’ errorCode: ‘BAD_REQUEST_ERROR’,
httpStatus: ‘BAD_REQUEST’,
internalErrorCode: ‘RS-9005’,
internalErrorMessage: ‘Trigger Gap Is Out Of The Specified Gap Range’

The Trigger Price will be empty (“”) or consider using “triggerPrice”: null when the orderType is LIMIT or MARKET.
The Trigger Price is applicable only in the case of SL orders.
boProfitValue and boStopLossValue are in terms of price change and will be executed if the price is less than executed price - 2 or greater than executed price + 0.95, whichever hits first, i.e., Profit or Stop Loss, respectively.

its not working i have tried all data types null and empty string as well its not working

If those don’t work, your issue is with ‘boProfitValue’ and ‘boStopLossValue’. Consider having a gap between the LIMIT and profit/loss values of at least 0.25% or more.

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Hey @ABCDIt @Avisekh_Option_Brain

Welcome to MadeForTrade community!

Glad to see you guys here! @Avisekh_Option_Brain as mentioned by @ABCDIt, there is a minimum range that needs to be maintained.