Attention There is a Difference Between Price Range If See in Daily candle High Low is correct but if see in minute and hourly timeframe there is a difference shows I have attached a pic of stock. kindly fix it. on NSE data is correct I have check


There is a Difference Between Price Range If See in Daily candle High Low is correct but if see in minute and hourly timeframe there is a difference shows I have attached a pic of stock. kindly fix it. on NSE data is correct I have check

Hi @NitinUppal

Yes, this may happen. This is very well explained in the below post :point_down:

The charts ticks at dhan are captured in real- time sent by exchange. The ticks from exchange are broadcasted to all the brokers. There is a probability to miss packet of data in sending, recieving or transmission. Hence, few ticks may appear missing on intraday charts. In daily charts, we recive day OHLC from exchange, hence it will match from NSE website.

I have refresh the chart many times but the difference shows. I am using jio fiber there is not any connectivity issue. Kindly resolve it.

I am also using fyers at the same time on same laptop and mobile. please check the charts

@PravinJ @Naman does NSE provide intraday 1 sec data to the broker at EOD (as a fix for possible realtime missing ticks) or u guys just store the real time data in your server for future use ?

SAIL intraday low seems wrong. Daily may have been updated by NSE bhav copy and so correct.

You need to fix it . Instead of giving us explanation.