Collateral Pledge for Margins

Kindly advise which of the below collaterals are accepted by Dhan for margins currently or feature to be incorporated in Dhan. If this feature is availble, can you share a video link or page link to review?

  1. Fixed Deposits
  2. Mutual Funds
  3. Stocks
  4. Soverign Gold Bonds
  5. T-Bills
  6. Govt Bonds

Also, can you enable purchase of Mutual Funds through Dhan?

Best Regards

Hi @Santosh.C,

You can pledge Stocks, SGB as well as G-sec securities on Dhan. We have written more about it here : Introducing: Pledge Shares for Margin Benefit & Pledge Government Securities on Dhan

Also, Mutual Fund will be live soon!

@Poornima ,
Thank you for your response.

Can you kindly confirm timelines for Mutual Fund pledge acceptance?

Best Regards,

Hi @Santosh.C,

We are going to launch Mutual funds soon. If we come up with MF pledging we will surely notify.

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Hello @Poornima ,

Will you pls suggest a tentative timeline for this feature inclusion? e.g. 30 days, 90 days, 180 days or 1 year etc?

Some idea about it will be helpful to plan a future course of action for Traders.

Best Regards

Hi @Santosh.C

Understand where we are coming from, unfortunately we can’t state the timelines.

MFs is in the front of the pipeline, and will be announced soon.

Hi @RahulDeshpande,

Is MF pledge feature released?

Best Regards

Hey @Santosh.C ,

MF is not live on Dhan yet. We will keep you notified on whether we will allow MF pledge once it is live.
