Kindly advise which of the below collaterals are accepted by Dhan for margins currently or feature to be incorporated in Dhan. If this feature is availble, can you share a video link or page link to review?
- Fixed Deposits
- Mutual Funds
- Stocks
- Soverign Gold Bonds
- T-Bills
- Govt Bonds
Also, can you enable purchase of Mutual Funds through Dhan?
Best Regards
Hi @Santosh.C,
You can pledge Stocks, SGB as well as G-sec securities on Dhan. We have written more about it here : Introducing: Pledge Shares for Margin Benefit & Pledge Government Securities on Dhan
Also, Mutual Fund will be live soon!
@Poornima ,
Thank you for your response.
Can you kindly confirm timelines for Mutual Fund pledge acceptance?
Best Regards,
Hi @Santosh.C,
We are going to launch Mutual funds soon. If we come up with MF pledging we will surely notify.
1 Like
Hello @Poornima ,
Will you pls suggest a tentative timeline for this feature inclusion? e.g. 30 days, 90 days, 180 days or 1 year etc?
Some idea about it will be helpful to plan a future course of action for Traders.
Best Regards
Hi @Santosh.C
Understand where we are coming from, unfortunately we canβt state the timelines.
MFs is in the front of the pipeline, and will be announced soon.
Hi @RahulDeshpande,
Is MF pledge feature released?
Best Regards
Hey @Santosh.C ,
MF is not live on Dhan yet. We will keep you notified on whether we will allow MF pledge once it is live.