This feature has a potential to workaround a major roadblock that I am facing as a swing trader. Not having an SL with Dhan or exchange because of eDIS issue. Previous pleas from other members here (listing only two here since I was not allowed to post more than two links)
For this, swing trader could create a draft order for the open positions. Send those for execution at the market open and relax knowing my SL is in place if the position moves against me. I understand that this is daily effort at the market open but other swing traders may be willing to take the effort till Dhan brings Forever Order on sell side for equity. However, either one of following needs to be added to ease the pain of creating draft orders everyday.
- Add an ability for the draft orders to persist instead of removing those from drafts since swing positions are maintained over multiple days/weeks/months. That way I need not create the order again the next day, everyday. OR
- Add an ability to move an order to Draft (e.g. an already placed order can be marked for draft such that it becomes available in draft as well).
Please consider. Thanks!