No option to find LTP of a stock in Dhan API

Hello @Jp007

Great to know that you are exploring Dhan APIs. We are working on getting Market Feed Data soon, however, there has been delay as we are optimising performance there.

Currently, we have hundreds of users who use Dhan APIs, primarily with 3rd party data source. They prefer Dhan APIs due to low latency and reliability.

yes, it’s giving a good response when we sent a request, its authentication is also so simple… But without getting script ltp() no use of it for me. we are building our own code, not looking for third-party integrations. so as of now no use of your API. Thank you for your response

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Any luck …when It will be available . I moved to Dhan due to API but unable to find yest the LTP API.

The same issue with me also.

Still waiting. Any progress?

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Hello @VijayNair

Yes, we are planning to release this soon. We will soon start working on updating our libraries as well around this for easier implementation at your end.

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I’m currently working on a project that requires real-time access to the Option chain data using Dhan API, and I could use some guidance and insights from those who have experience with it. Here are a couple of questions I have:

  1. How can I access real-time Option chain data using Dhan API? Are there specific endpoints or methods I should be aware of to retrieve this information?
  2. What are the prerequisites for integrating Dhan API into my trading application to access Option chain data in real-time? Do I need any special permissions or subscriptions?
  3. Why do you personally find it beneficial to access real-time Option chain data from Dhan API or similar sources? What advantages does it offer in terms of trading strategies, risk management, or any other aspects?
  4. Are there any specific challenges or considerations I should be aware of when working with real-time data from Dhan API, such as handling data updates, latency, or reliability?
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Hello @shivdeep

You’d able to access real-time Option Chain Data with Websockets once it is live. You’d be able to simply access all the options price, volume and other data points for necessary strikes to create Option Chain.

We will make that available in the documentation once it is available.

You will not require any such permissions or subscriptions. If you trade on Dhan, this should be available for free to you.

This all comes down to the basics of why you want to do Systematic Trading in the first place. Yes, some people do it for edge in terms of speed or arbitrage, but that isn’t possible over a broker API for retail. This will require Colocation facilities and deployed strategies on servers to get there. Traders mostly use API based trading to deploy their strategies to run without any intervention and constant monitoring. And in doing so, they require Options Chain and other data points.

We will get to libraries being available for the Data Websocket as well, so that it requires minimum handling on your part.

I am getting error while placing order in NIFTY Option Trading. I am trying to place order on Strike Price which is calculated based on Current NIFTY price and trying to add Stop loss and Take Profit at 5%. But I am getting error as below:
{‘status’: ‘failure’, ‘remarks’: {‘error_code’: ‘RS-9005’, ‘message’: ‘Transactions Fails.’}, ‘data’: ‘’}. Code :
response = dhan.place_order(

@Djain ,
I am glad that you have raised this point. even i am working on a similar scalping system where i am stuck since i cant fetch the LTP through API. The DHAN tech team had assured that it would be implemented very soon. But its been more than a year in waiting.

I hope dhan team comes up with this feature soon.

@shivdeep ,did you get it right ??

@Hardik please advise if LTP() released is planned any time soon. Thanks.


Cmon guys. This is shameful! You guys say you have an API that cant fetch ltp. Really amusing :sweat_smile:

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Hello @Dhanu @Djain @Jp007 @8527103964 @trader007 @shivdeep @alok.nayak @nit111kg

We have just released Live Market Feed as part of DhanHQ APIs. Do try this out and let us know your feedback:

Mr Hardik,

I wonder, this post is almost over a year old and I still can’t see LTP fetching capability in Trade API which comes free… it might be there is Market FEED but no body will subscibe unless such a simple LTP kind feed is not available in Trade API to create & test their code… so its advisable to pull this LTP fetching capability for any underlying in Trade API along with Market feed… (at least for individuals)

i hope, you are getting what I am trying to convey here… Otherwise, simply involve your LEAD to understand the fact…


Hi @Chanchal

The LTP api is not available with the Data api as well. I am also waiting for it since eternity despite paying monthly for the data api.

LTP API is a very basic need. One would never like to complicate the need by using live feed. I started with dhan and stuck with the same issue.

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@Hardik pls bring this api function to poll the LTP of an instrument. This is a fundamental function in broker APIs I have seen.

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