Could you please consider providing trailing stop loss through API’s and also prioritize if possible? As of now, we need to build this logic manually and need to keep track of the price continuously and change the stop loss using a polling mechanism.
This will unnecessarily add overhead to the Dhan Order API and may exhaust the limits of the API.
I am sure you are talking about polling of LTP. If you are using websocket streaming for LTP from 3rd party that may solve. If you are using Dhan’s history data API for polling LTP, then here you just need to poll once in a minute. This will have 60 requests in an hour that is under Dhan Rate Limit.
This should be solved when we introduce Live Market Feed. Then you can easily adjust or trail your SL on the basis of market price. Currently, we are not planning to introduce TSL on API. However, we have noted this and will take a look into the feasibility of the same.