2023: What next to expect from Dhan

hi @ngbhat, request you to please check mobile app version, if it is latest. We have removed the confirmation for deleting stock on mobile and web both for watchlist.

I use option trader mobile app v1.0.10 e1.0.0. The issue still exists in this version… (i.e. deleting an stock from watchlist , still gives confirmation pop up) I have the latest version , as I do not see any updates for this in playstore

Option trader app don’t have this feature yet, this avialble on main dhan app where you delete wishlist item without confirmation popup.

Might be same is avialble into option trader app after the much awaited glass version update in upcomming weeks.

why this page is removed ?

Dhan Community](https://community.dhan.co/t/now-trade-directly-on-tradingview-com-for-free-pay-zero-brokerage-for-2023/7009?page=2)
We launched and introduced Trading Directly from TradingView .com on Dhan in … Pay Zero Brokerage for 2023 … Welcome to Dhan Community !

Dear @Sameet @shraddha @PravinJ why this page is been removed. will we get this offer or not.

Pravin sir we are eargerly waiting for paper trading platform . really this will boost our confidence and we can deploy multiple strategies to understand the market better rather than fearing of losing money . please sir i know it’s little to early to say but bring the platform before mid year

hi @hustler, we would also like to build one. But at this stage, exchanges have issued this circular: https://twitter.com/BeingPractical/status/1649024467644092422

For now, we will have to pause our plans until further clarity.

@PravinJ hello sir any update regarding paper trading app by raise? I am using front page but it gets difficult because we have to look for options strike price on Dhan. If possible to bring paper trading as there is one in sensibull. That will help a lot for new traders like me or when someone wants to take some time of real trading. Please bring paper trading :pray:

@deep90s hi, there was a recent NSE circular restricting usage of data for Paper Trading, hence we have not prioritised this on our roadmap. If things change, we will surely explore.

I had mentioned it here: https://twitter.com/BeingPractical/status/1649024467644092422

Hi, @PravinJ @Dhan @Dhan_Cares

Why the page (link given below) has been removed?

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As u mention paper- trading platfrom from Raise can u told me expected date? When it will be live for user’s

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NSE recently disallowed use of data for paper trading / gaming etc. So paper trading interface from Dhan may not happen.

Thanks bro for this update

so that means Tradingview that provide paper trade option that also not work in near future?

If you see the NSE circular it relates to how trading members use the data. Tradingview is not a trading member. So it may not be applicable to them IMO.

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Thanks for the clarification

Sir please introduce soon…

  1. Family account
  2. Minor account and
  3. Mutual fund demat for more trust
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Thrilled to share that we are now live with Journal by Dhan. One single platform for reporting and analytics of all your trades. Read more on this here - Introducing Journal by Dhan - All New Platform for Reports, Analysis & Profile Management

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