About Averaging of Open & Closed Position

Hello Dhan team,

while trading on Dhan from last few days I found that if I trade within same Underlying after an earlier position is closed in next position TV.Dhan shows averaged price…

ex: say one position in “BANKNIFTY 23 MAR 39000 PUT” is closed with say Profit of 500 where entry at 100 & Exit at 120 (20*25=500)…
now later if I took position again in same PUT at 200 then TV.Dhan shows Average price on chart at 150 combining Open & Closed positions both which I feel is misleading and wanted to view average of only OPEN positions…

Is there any toggle/settings somewhere where I can turn of Averaging of Open & Closed position both and enable it only for OPEN positions?


Hi @Chanchal, Got this - trading systems are designed that way, and you will also see the positions based on the Average Price itself.

Hi @PravinJ thats all great and all but “Melody itni chocolaty kyu hai?”

Am so glad to know that i am not the only who find this bizzare. @ Poornima.

this average system is confusing and saying every other platform does same make no sense. Since we can not verify if every broker from india and outside india follow same but we can come to one conclusion that this is very unnecessary feature. once closed off all the position, next trade should not averge and give misleading buying and selling price and misleading P&L.