Add News related to Market

Through DHAN please provide important news that will effect the market mainly at market hours.

Most news effect market there will be sudden UP or Down Movement

EX :- RBI Increased Repo sudden fall in market

Purchased PE because of this news but market moves up hit the stop loss and make big fall :cry:
If we know the actual news at correct time we will not scare and never keep stop loss for PE orders.

Requesting Please provide important news and maket condition every day like
Support and resistance and market will be up or down it can avoid to take opposite option trade.

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Hi @Sreerajpv

Welcome to Dhan :slight_smile:

By coincidence, we also thought of this on same day. Have started working on this already -

Till then, enjoy your Dhan experience :zap: :rocket:

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Consider providing news in short form rather than redirecting to another website. Edelweiss news feed is a good example. I think they provide news from Redbox.


Sure @sharu_john. Noted this.

Thanks for adding News with Dhan.
Please include in the news about the market conditions. To avoid mistakes like wrong trade.

If the market down sometime i buy CE with the expectation I will go now … After 1 or 2 hours
Exit the trade with losses. If we know the market
trends at correct time we will not go for wrong trade. Some days after a uptrend maket make
Big fall like 2days before it make me big loss.
Because i was waiting for quick up movement
But its never happened and finally gives me
Big loss.

Hey @PravinJ ,

If Dhan can display the relevant news on the chart in real-time during market hours, the trader doesn’t need to open any other screen itself.


Hey @amit

We can do something like this, but trust me you wouldn’t like it. Easy to build news aggregator and show it up here, but have no idea what news will pop-up here… we wouldn’t do a media review role :slight_smile:

Real-time news updates is work in progress, and we will seamlessly integrate this in Dhan. Charts we want them to be clean always :innocent:

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