Any trusted source to know intraday is allowed on a script or not in dhan or nse website

dhan have 2 places to know intraday stocks :

a) list at dhan[dot]co/risk-management-policy/

b) go to each stock on web.dhan and check margin tab

none of source have latest information on whether intraday allowed or not.

example1 nse stock SELAN is not listed on a) but intraday orders goes through

example2 nse stock INVENTURE listed on b) but intraday order DOES NOT go through

any other source to get this accurate latest information on dhan or nse website ?

placing orders seems only way which is not practical ?


We will review this, thanks for highlighting.

ok please see if can find solution for this


We have checked this with our Risk team and no trade found for the mentioned scrip in intraday product. Also, the RMS intraday stock list is up-to-date.

main concern is Margin tab of each stock on web.dhan does not show upto date data whether intraday allowed or not.
Example i had given in my post INVENTURE nse stock…
on this stock intraday is not allowed during order
but Margin tab shows Intraday allowed 3.81x is leverage.

many other stocks have same problem…
Please fix Margin tab data…It will help a lot…


We have noted your feedback to optimize more in the Margin tabs.