Auction & T-Bill

Do we have the below like Zerodha ?

  1. Auctions portal where we can sell shares at price higher than CMP

  2. Option to apply in T-Bills. IMO, It actually provides slightly better return than FD for people falling in 30% tax bracket that too in smaller time horizon.


  1. Not yet, but will build this up soon
  2. This is in the building stage. For now we will be showing a portal for listed T-Bills which you can buy from the market (after they are subscribed). We had observed they trade at a good ROI but no screener presently where you can identify them.
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Yes if the portal shows the indicative yield / IRR of the Tbill trading on the exchange, it will be amazing.

Also in the meantime till you start showing Tbills on the search option & provide option to apply for fresh Tbill, can you please provide other alternatives where we can apply for fresh Tbills like we can do in SGbs… we can apply from bank & the same gets credited in our demat. Can we do the same for T bill ? Through bank or NSE / protean

@krishag Yes that’s exactly what we are doing for the T-Bills. Not just T-Bills, but also for SGBs, G-Secs and will be extending the same to the other listed bonds as well. These screeners will help you look into the listed bonds if they are available at premium or discount along with YTM.

On Dhan you can search the listed T-Bills - Type “Tbills” and you will get the entire list. If you still want to bid for the same, you can open an account in NSE GoBid platform using Dhan BOID. Remember it will ask Broker’s Name where in you need to select Moneylicious Securities Pvt. Ltd. and after creating an account there, you can participate in the NCB bidding process.

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That will be great. I hope Sgb YTM will reflect true XIRR (with error less than 0.5%) considering Future Value as well as Interest credit @1.25% every 6m.

@krishag Yes, the same logic will be implemented.

Truely amazing. Currently i am developing my own excel sheet analysis for all the sgb xirr tracking. All the unexpired sgbs are there in the list unless missed out. in the excel sheet, we just have to put the current market price & we can see the xirr. many sgbs actually trade at good discount comparing to other newly launched sgb. this is a gap which is narrowing down slowly. so need to exploit this asap. once the sheet is completed, i would like to share it with you to cross check the logic implemented. Pls tell me how can i share the file if you’re fine with it

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@krishag you can share the file on with SGB - XIRR Calculator as Subject.

Also, for accurate XIRR, do consider the CMP from IBJA.

the ibj price cant be used i guess bcz the cmp on exchange actually considers the ibj price along with pending interest credits. It also gives a little extra weight on sgbs maturing soon.

@krishag Price on exchange is ofcouse of the way but it is futures price and not spot. Discounting the futures to derive the spot also might not be the feasible option.

For accurate spot, unfortunately there is no developed market in India. SARAFA Bazaar rates are generally considered SPOT rates but again they are at a high premium. So given this challenge, I feel the IBJ rates would be a better match.

On NSE , the list of sgb doesnt reflect issue price of many sgb. do u know the reason why?

also where to find all the unexpired sgb details ?

@krishag Not sure as the issue prices are constant values. Will check on this with NSE. For SGBs we use the data from CDSL and Exchange which is shared by the entities to the members

Hoping the YTM of Tbill goes live on Dhan very soon as yesterday I bought TB with YTM about 8%. Thats actually better than any fixed investment bcz Fds give about 8% with 30% income tax. Even if we consider Fd of Small finance banks then still 8.5 with 30% tax is way lower than 8% with 15% STCG. Also SFBs can be very risky for over 5L. Even for lower than 5L, getting own money from rbi dgic insurance is time taking.

Also, the time horizon to get 8-8.5% in FD is larger (2 to 3 yrs) and penalty on early redemption.

The transaction charges of tbill is also very less bcz no STT. If you hold till maturity it comes to about total of less than 0.1% including buy & auto extinguishment. so txn cost no problem.

All in all, Tbills found a way in my portfolio for short term no risk investments.

But the only problem is the liquidity and manual calculation of YTM . Even through excel automation, manual entries is not worth giving time.

HENCE, YTM of Tbill & SGB is a must.

I have made a simple sheet for calculating YTM of Tbill. Sending at feedback email in sometime. If you could check the logic it will be helpful

@krishag Yea, thats the beauty of T-Bills and market disequilibrium. do check this as well, 8% might seem too less :stuck_out_tongue:

Sesky trade!

Any timeline of ytm screener

Eagerly waiting for the auctions portal on Dhan