Auto save (Chart) Layout limit (5 MB) Exceeded


Just got a notification on my TV.dhan Chart that my Auto Save Layout limit has exceeded the allowed limit of 5mb, guess this is a new implementation.

Prior to this, used to break my head as in my why changes in charts are not getting saved, that too during the market, it was very irritating.

this is a nice change. very much appreciated… glad that this has been implemented.

As an addition, please check would it be possible to incorporate / implement, Trading view’s “manage layout drawings” as well, where

in rather than deleting and creating a new layout…

we get to keep our existing layout and delete the drawings which are eating up the 5mb limit…

creating a new layout and new study drawings for stocks all over again is very cumbersonme (at least for me it is)…

Hi @sirpian,

Thank you for your kind words! We will surely work on implementing more feature requests to enhance our users’ experience.

Regarding the new layout, you can simply make a copy and remove all the drawings at once as an alternative to having the existing layout without drawings. Hope this helps.


Hi Sameet,

I didn’t use or know about this “Remove Drawings & indicator” Feature earlier. I have checked this now, it allows me to remove the drawing / studies on the current stocks that I have manually searched and kept on my Chart…

Problem is I don’t know how many such stocks are there where I have created such drawings / studies…

I create studies based on my Screener results, so unlike nifty or Bank nifty, my drawings will be there in many stocks, so I may have to manually keep track of such stocks to remove them one by one. This is where Trading view’s “manage layout drawings” Comes handy since it keeps a track of all such stock drawings.

Anyways, see if this could be incorporated till then i’ll manage with as u have suggested… Thanks

Hi @sirpian,

Thank you for your valid feedback. We’ll surely look into incorporating this feature from tradingview to make your experience even better.