Averaging the price if a same position is taken again and again

Hello Team,

I request your team to enable a feature for all users whether entering a position example for first time I have taken NIFTY 23000 CALL option once at 100 and then closed at 110, then again if I take the same position the price in tv.dhan.co will show as average price example as 107 and accordingly the profit/loss will be shown.  

My thought is, In other broker platforms if the same position is taken it is shown as fresh entry and the price is shown at the level which is taken by you. So my suggestion is to give user a flexibility in settings whether for options if the user wants to average the price if the same position is taken or not. Just u can give as drop down button or toggle button, so accordingly user settings are set. Then traders can taken according to their wish.

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Hi @Stalin_Vendoti Welcome to MadeForTrade Community!

Thank you for your suggestion! We will explore the possibility of adding a setting that allows users to choose between averaging the price or treating each entry as a fresh position while trading multiple times in the same script. Additionally, it would be insightful if you could share which brokers currently provide this feature, so we can explore and evaluate its implementation further.