Overall P&L is showing on dhan app, which is completely fine, but any possibility to show the net P&L including brokerage charges inside dhan app? (Intraday)
Txn estimator shows for each trades, but feel it would be better if we had option to see p&l exclusive of brokerages @Dhan@PravinJ@Sanjeev_Bawaskar
Or else we need to manually enter trades and check only on dhan external calculator?
Hi @PravinJ can you add the same day contract features, instead of T1 or trades diary. It good to track the broker and other changes. Supposed i buy call 4 times i know total 8 transaction cost for broker 8×20 , but i unable to track the other changes. If this features added then over trading problem issues may be less.
@PravinJ please give virtual contract note so we know how much brokarage and charges gone today and we not to wait for next day contract note by e-mail
Hi @AndroidX Well, contract notes are sent post settlement of trades by exchanges.
Only when the traders are settled, the contract notes can be generated, post which they are also updated on the Trader’s Diary.
Trader’s should trade because there is an opportunity to trade. For Risk Management, Dhan offers lots of Trader Controls which are extensively used by our users.