Budget 2025: Performance of Dhan Trading Engine (DEXT)

Hi All,

Last year we posted performance of DEXTs (Dhan Exchange Trading System) on the budget day, which was on 1st July 2024.

This year, the budget was presented on weekend, Saturday 1st February 2025. As expected this bring on a non-trading day, exchanges followed their tradition of keeping markets opened. So we thought we should also continue with our tradition of post about the Performance of Dhan Trading Systems on the budget day today, which is 1 Feb 2025.

  • On Election Day, last year we peaked at 315,000+ concurrent traders on our trading systems.
  • Last Budget, it was 371,000+ concurrent traders.
  • And this yer, we witnessed a total of 436,000+ concurrent traders & investors who were in our platform today.

Below are screenshots taken at multiple times.

While connected clients to DEXT peaked, the trading volumes were much lower compared to the last year, also understand that the budget was on a weekend.

Last year, our in-house Trade Execution Platform - DEXT delivered a seamless experience as we witnessed peak moments of 50,000-75,000 trades per minute multiple times on the budget day. This year, this was limited to 35,000-40,000 traders per minute.

Here is the overall performance of DEXT for Order Processing speeds on Budget Day 2025.

  • Orders Processed in under 25 ms: 95.02%
  • in 25-50 ms: 2.92%
  • in 50-75 ms: 0.28%
  • in 75-100 ms: 0.08%
  • over 100 ms: rest of the orders (~1.70%)

Over 95% orders on DEXT were processed within 25ms today. As we have mentioned earlier the orders taking up more than 25ms are usually large iceberg orders or algo orders like bracket / cover.

As always, we continue to build and invest in systems and infrastructure to ensure we are able to provide a seamless trading experience to our traders on Dhan.



Great job. I haven’t traded today though. Even without these metrics, I see a faster order execution anyday anytime versus Zerodha.

Thanks for giving us such great tools.

Just curious, even though clients tripled for Dhan, the connected clients are about the same as last year.


Good job @dhan team.

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Venerable performance by DEXT :hugs:

Hi @thisisbanerjee Well, it is Saturday. Our first thoughts were we wouldn’t go beyond last years numbers, so it is marginally up. Dhan has ~ 930K active clients, so most users did log-in… which is good.

Execution speeds, we gained for the consistent efforts over the past few months. Good to see we chip in few ms every month.


Appreciate your candid responses. Have a great weekend.

2024 was a learning year for me in terms of platforms and capabilities with respect to my strategies. No other brokerage gives such empowerment to users as Dhan. I had to log in to Dhan charts to trade elsewhere.

Once you go Dhan, the competition is none.

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Hi @PravinJ - These numbers look great. Please add support for Tick-by-tick (TBT) data instead of Snapshot data. Much awaited feature🙏

Hello @PravinJ
No doubt, execution on Dhan is very fast and slippages are low but front-end looks sluggish. Sometimes, in tv.dhan.co, when we punch orders, the order history window goes blank for a second and then update the order details.
Also, native dhan web portal looks heavy with so much information.
Click response time also seems slow.
I think Dhan’s native web portal needs a more lightweight and smoother makeover.
Make Dhan Web more responsive and lightweight.
It’s only my experience, other users may have different approach.
Also, I want to mention one more thing, margins are updated slowly in Dhan Web that causes rejection in subsequent order if it is punched immediately after squaring off the last one.