Bug in order placement

Bug in order placement.
Kindly chk

Happened multiple times today.
When I update price for an existing order, it does not update & places the order at old price only.

In video, I’m exiting pe at 35 ps
I updated order price to 30ps
But again order placed at 35 ps only

But if I cancel the order and place a new one, then it will work

This issue is in both app & web
And yes, I’ve tried logging in out etc, & also tried the order with other strikes

at 09:15 I faced this issue w nifty PE
Order ID - 6224031914546

In the video, order ID shown is 8224031972346
That order is still open & price refuses to update

Unable to attach video
Video can be seen below

hXXps://twitter com/Som9729/status/1769949696007770516

Hi @som079

We have reverted here :-