Can not subscribe to more than 100 instruments

Hi team, I have been trying to subscribe 200 instruments, but can not. Somehow dhanhq python library throws an error. I have tried with multiple instruments list and can not find any solution… Can you please help me resolve this. Thanks in advance.

My code -

# More basic code here, main code starts below

async def on_connect(instance):
async def on_message(instance, message):
feed = marketfeed.DhanFeed(client_id=client_id,

print(f'Total subscribed instruments right now: {len(feed.instruments)}. Subscribing more...')
feed.subscribe_symbols(subscription_code, instruments[99:200])
print(f'Total subscribed instruments right now: {len(feed.instruments)}. Going to run feed now.')


My error:

C:\___DHANHQ_PACKAGE_LOCATION_HERE___\dhanhq\ RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
Total subscribed instruments right now: 100. Subscribing more...
Total subscribed instruments right now: 200. Going to run feed now.
Connection has been closed

Hello @lalitnmudgal

Just to check here, are you able to subscribe to first 100 instruments and get data for those with this same code?

Yes, I did that and it works very well.

@Hardik can you please check this once and replicate on your system?

Hello @lalitnmudgal

Sure, will take a look into this and update here.

Hi @Hardik, could you please share an update on this? Thanks.

Hello @lalitnmudgal

Yes, one thing here. Which function are you calling to subscribe to the next 100 instruments?

It is subscribe_symbols. Also mentioned in the code above.

@Hardik could you please share an update on this?

Hello @lalitnmudgal

Yes, we are working on an update to the DhanHQ Python library, which will fix this.