Can we have section feature in TV Dhan?


This feature is available in Trading View, but not in Dhan’s provided TV.
However this feature is very much needed. If Dhan can add this,it will be great help. Also Color code is not available on Dhan’s TV. This is also interesting feature which will help you to tag yopur stock as per color code

Dear Hardik,
You all are doing great to help Dhan community.
Request you to provide provision to add section under any watchlist on TV. Also please add color code for stock as both feature available on normal Trading View.

Hello @sanjay4

Would love to add this, but there are some limitations on the TV library, that restricts us from this. We are working with Trading View team to work on this.

Okay thank you. But is there any timeline for this with TV?

Sections are available on the latest tradingview library. So, Dhan has to upgrade their library to latest version and also enable the feature for its users. Unless both of the things happen, Sections can’t be enabled.