Closing portfolio position

I had some long term position and I wanted to close it so i did edis and sold at market price , but in my position itโ€™s now showing as short position with PNL , If i sold my shares at maket price why it 's showing me PNL ? very confusing.
so i am confused did i sell my holdings or not ? in portfolio tab it show zero holding
this is really bizzar can some one explain to me what/s happening? My position says order = delivery , little worried of that PNL going negative so prompt response appriciated

Hi @dominic_sullivan,

Whenever you sell your holdings, it will reflect under position tab for the same day. You can ignore the same as the sell order has been completed and it wonโ€™t affect the sell value or P&L booked.

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Thank you , Indeed no positions now ! all good