Cross Margin Benefit

If I sell 1 lot of RELIANCE future and buy 1 lot (250 shares) of RELIANCE, will I get any margin benefit?
According to this, I should, right?

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Hi @tradernoob

According to our RMS policy, you can’t use the funds received from a short future contract to buy shares in CNC.

@Divyesh Hi,
Can you please share some insight as to why you don’t provide this?

  1. Exchange is providing this as shown in the link
  2. From a risk point of view also, the position is completely hedged and there is no market risk/individual stock risk. If the stock suddenly crashes, the future position would make an equivalent profit.

Hi @tradernoob

We tried reaching you on your registered mobile number and the same was unanswered. please let us know a convenient time to arrange a callback.

I did not receive a call, can you please call again? @Divyesh


As discussed on call we have addressed your concern regarding cross margin and noted your feedback.