Hi @Dhan team,
First things first - your chat support is completely broken for some reason on Dhan Web app.
- I shared my screenshot of the query and a bot named Aditi responded, I assumed she is human looking at her name and later “she” informed that she can’t read screenshots.
- I requested for “live agent” and option came for “assign to CustomerSpecialist”, on clicking Rohan joined which was again BOT!!
- Pressing “assign to CustomerSpecialist” again lead me to Karthik, who again was a BOT!!
Can you pls call your bot with some generic robotic name? someone who is already in distress and trying to explain issue to bot assuming they are human as their name shows up as Aditi/Rohan/Karthik etc, when clicking “customerspecialist” option may feel that he/she has been tricked again and again.
Coming to main issue why I reached out-
Pls refer circled items 1 & 2
For #1, Niftybees live price shown is 259.32, basket shows the same, so for 10 qty Margin should be 2593.2, then why higher margin is shown for 2759.8??
For #2, Mid150bees live price shown is 204.14, basket shows the same, so for 10 qty Margin should be 2041.4, then why higher margin is shown for 2225.0??
Why this discrepancy? Also, am I being charged the final margin or the actuals? These are Delivery orders.