Dhan Mobile App has very tiny font

Dhan Mobile App:

  1. Fonts are too small and its very painful and boring to look at, search and read to comprehend the necessary information about our positions or portfolio that we need to know more frequently. Even if the overall layout is fancy, colourful and apparently attractive it becomes too tiring and boring to search for the requisite information that we need due to excessive number of informational objects being displayed on every page of the mobile app.

  2. Due small sizes of the fonts, tabs and the check boxes or the rows and columns it becomes difficult to select or deselect any checkbox or row on the small screen of mobile. All the buttons also appear too small. Accidentally we end up selecting wrong check box or wrong row and then again, we have to go back to select the correct option.
    Its a request to please at least increase the size of the fonts to make it easy and pleasant to read and increase the size of the rows and the corresponding check boxes to make it easy to select or deselect accurately.
    For the old people and specially for people with spectacles it becomes a herculean task to go through each and every informational object that is displayed on the mobile app with tiny fonts in a small screen of the mobile device and then try to execute some actions or functions by selecting the tiny buttons and boxes.

  3. Try to keep the mobile app little simple and minimalistic with only the relevant and necessary objects of information and buttons of execution for investing and trading. Rest everything can be accessed on the website or the web portal.
    If Dhan team does not want to reduce the informational and executional objects then you can increase the pages and tabs inside the app but at least please improve the size of the font and buttons. There is no need to cramp maximum number of objects on a single page or tab with tiny buttons and miniature fonts.
    This app can appear very user friendly and attractive for tablet users but for smaller screens of mobiles it is really a painful experience.

When I was using other brokers platforms like Upstox or Fyers, I was very much comfortable with using their Mobile apps as well. However, with Dhan the mobile app is so much cluttered with so many info objects that too with such small tiny fonts and tiny buttons that I feel extremely reluctant to even open the mobile app unless sometimes when I do not have access to the Web platform and compelled to seek information from the mobile app.


I have given a feedback on the same but no one from the Dhan team acknowledged that. AngelOne’s interface and font is something that I’m sold on.


@PravinJ Yes font is small

Hi @thisisbanerjee

Thanks for acknowledging and supporting the fact.

Please post a screenshot from Angelone’s interface if possible so that the developers should understand what the traders really expect and love to use when it comes to user interface.

More and more users should acknowledge and upvote for this post so that the developers should be forced to think seriously about it and bring about some change in the interface.
They must understand that just making available more and more informational objects and giving fancy colorful background and fonts does not increase the convenience and usability of the software application.

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@trader7626 Already did here.
Suggestions: Watchlist and Trader’s Dairy - Request Attention :eyes: - MadeForTrade

I have stopped using Dhan for the same reason !! lot of unnecessary clutter on the app its to much confusing .There is a lot of white space available to increase the font size , also they are ruining the design principles of Software development … Wishlist tab shows news , isn’t it annoying. I have also accidently placed orders switching through tabs due to their ready made strategies option… not everyone is a trader or want to trade…

Seriously dhan have lots of unnecessary things in dhan app I know some people use some people not use so for that give setting option to on our office that feature so we can get simple ui for now very heavy is dhan in terms of ui make ui simple, zero DHA is best example zero DHA not give many features compare to dhan but then also people preferred zero DHA because of ui so please make dhan app from scratch @PravinJ

zero DHA is a bad omen for investors because whenever anybody invests there the value goes to ZERO or he makes losses.

AngelOne has the best UI & UX since they are angels from heaven itself.

Dhan is stuck somewhere in the middle like humans, neither Zero nor Angel.

The UI needs improvement.The Events section isn’t stock-specific. Reliance gave a bonus last October— today how a Dhan user can know if they rely only on dhan?. It’s crucial to add an Events section directly on the stock’s homepage for better accessibility.

Not again mannnn !! @PravinJ

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