Hi @Duck
We had evaluated Tick By Tick Data on Dhan long while back, however dropped it for multiple reasons.
a. The additional benefit it brings in for charting data is very marginal compared to what is already available in the Snapshot data. For example, the snapshot data has about 3-5 snaps a second, which results on a data snap of one per 200 ms. Anything less than 200 ms is indistinguishable to human eyes.
b. This data is available only for NSE, not for BSE or MCX. That aside, even NSE shows data of snapshot on its own website v/s showing tick by tick data. As a result, if any user claims for data inaccuracy, it is going to be extremely difficult for the user or even us to reconcile or compare the same as it is not publicly available on NSE. PS: It is already difficult.
c. Tick by Tick data, at the best adds more data points on the High / Low of the OHLC candles and that too only when it is not captured in the snapshot data. On Dhan, we do show you Real-Time Transactions on Live section of the scrip, you will see most trades for price span on OHLC are captured well on the snap-shot data.
d. Additional ticks on charts means more attention on price movement. I recently mentioned that ~7 to 8% of our users are on second charts to capture early breakouts. That said, the most standard time-frames are 1,5,15 minutes and swing traders are on 1 hr, 1 day and the India specific timeframes we provide for 25, 75, 125 min time frames. Larger timeframes are preferred over seconds one.
At Dhan, we give a lot of attention to charts. Users on Dhan spend insanely higher time on our charts for the experience it brings along with the data and many features and capabilities we have introduced over a period of time.
While we haven’t ruled out Tick-by-Tick data from our things to do, I just wanted to mention that the incremental benefit that is brings is very very marginal. So yes, sometime in future we may consider adding this.