Doubt on MTF-Pledge positions

I bought 31 qtys of goldbees under MTF. Then later converted 14 of them into delivery. I did the same thing again, converted another 14 of them into delivery and pledged (14) for collateral.
However, the MTF statement shows 24 of them under pledged collateral and 3 under MTF.
But the daily consolidated margin shows 16 qtys under pledged.
Meanwhile in dhan, it shows 3 under MTF, 31 in “overall” segment. Then, in demat holding statement, it shows total 31 qtys, out of which 3 under MTF and 28 under Margin.
Pls someone explain this.

Hi @Vignesh_Venkatesan,

We are reviewing your query and will provide a resolution shortly on your registered email ID.

Hi @Vignesh_Venkatesan,

We’ve sent a resolution on your registered email ID, kindly check once.

Hi, have a doubt. MTF bought shares if dividends declared, will that be credited too

Hi @pavz,

Yes, if you have purchased shares under Margin Trading Facility (MTF) and still hold them on the record date, you will be eligible to receive the dividend, just like any other shareholder. The dividend amount will be credited to your account as per the company’s payout schedule, typically within 30-45 days.

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Thnx for the quick reply Mohseen :pray::+1: