Download as CSV should be Download Excel


On page, there is a download section at the bottom of the portfolio table which is as in screenshot.

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 7.32.18 PM

Screenshot can tell you that this link could be for downloading the csv file but when you download the file, you would realize it is not a text file nor a csv formatted text file but it is an excel file and opens with MS Excel or spreadsheet software only.

So, please, UI/UX folks – do the needful of correcting the same but I would appreciate if you can also provide csv formatted text file with Company NSE Symbols along in the csv columns.

cc @Naman @shraddha @RahulDeshpande @Dhan @Dhan_Cares

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@Hardik @PravinJ
hope this is in your fix list

Hi @mnikhil

I checked, getting this in csv format only.

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 11.22.46 AM

Can you please share if you are getting it in .xlsx file?

hi @Rahul

yes this is resolved now. thanks.
we can close this.