We continue to speak with our users about how we can improve their trading experience on Dhan. In our earliest discussions, many users asked us for Option Chain, which we built and offered in the first version of Dhan itself and later enhanced with Advanced Option Chain to showcase more data that is relevant for Options Traders.
With more usage, we saw that users were moving a lot between both the versions of Options Chain (also we felt it was more confusing for users, and even us) hence now we have merged both the versions into one single enhanced Option Chain now.
Options Chain and Advanced Option Chain is now merged into one unified - Options Chain
Now all the information you want is available in the unified Option Chain. You can -
- See a simplified version of Options Chain as a default view.
- Choose to expand this to a full-screen view on the mobile phone. More data & more information now.
- Choose to see all CALLS or PUTS on one view.
- Strike Price continues to be shown as slide over the option chain
- And of course, we bring to you the choice of Buy / Sell or Trading from Charts as well on the option chain.
Options Chain will display a list of all available option contracts for given security. It will contain all Calls & Puts with their Strike Price, Premiums, Volume, Open Interest & Implied Volatility(IV) which will help you in getting a quick picture of in-the-money and out-of-the-money options.
We have retained our user’s favourite part of the advanced options chain: visual cues. The strikes shaded in yellow and purple are the ITM options, on the call and put side respectively. The un-shaded strikes are the OTM options. You can directly place orders, open charts, and see market depth, by hovering over to strike price. And all this will be real-time!
Add Option now directly to watchlist from the Options Chain:
This was one of the most user-requested feedback, we have introduced it now. Users will now be able to add Options to the watchlist directly from the Options Chain. We believe this will be of immense help to our users.
We are constantly improving the trading experience on our platforms based on your feedback. Do let us know your thoughts on this update. Happy trading
Product, Dhan