Feedback: Market Replay feature much optimisation

Bar replay feature many more optimisations to be of use:

  1. Mutitime frame view is needed to correlate different timeframes of each scrip at different point of time and also to compare different scrips at a given time.

  2. Monthly and Weekly resolutions are also needed to compare long term view.

  3. Even on smaller frames data is quite limited when we start replay limiting the calculation of indicators. For e.g., refer the chart below. TCS daily data is very much limited and accordingly MAs etc are not being calculated properly.

  4. The chart layout setting used in is not kept while shifting to replay feature. I use blue candles instead of green ones for bullish candles but here that setting is completely replaced. Even the indicators’ setting like RSI are not kept.

I hope many more improvements are under the store for bar replay feature. While improving, please consider the above suggestions.

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Hi @Shally Market Replay feature currently is available for select users under beta mode. We will have to understand how this is being used before we build this further or drop down based on the current usage patterns.

Additionally, to your point 4 - yes, this is kept outside our core trading platform as we want to ensure it is distinctly separate and is outside of trading systems to avoid any confusion.

Ohh! But if Dhan doesn’t make it public for all users and improve it, how will the use case build?

I hope this is not dropped down. Thanks.