Fetching Live OHLC Data

Hello! I wish to get the OHLC Data for the current minute along with the marketfeed.Ticker data. I am trying to fetch the same with a chron job to the minute intraday OHLC Data API but not able to still figure out.

import asyncio
import requests
from dhanhq import marketfeed
import nest_asyncio  # For resolving active event loop conflicts in Jupyter

# Apply nest_asyncio to avoid conflicts in nested event loops

# Dhan Client ID and Access Token (Replace with your credentials)
access_token = ###
client_id = ###

# Function to fetch live ticker data and 1-minute OHLC data
async def fetch_ticker_and_ohlc_data():
    # Map exchange names to Dhan constants
    exchange_map = {
        "NSE_EQ": marketfeed.NSE,

    # User input for exchange name and security ID
    exchange_name = input("Enter Exchange Name (e.g., NSE_EQ, BSE_EQ, NSE_FNO, MCX): ").strip().upper()
    security_id = input("Enter Security ID: ").strip()

    if exchange_name not in exchange_map:
        print("Invalid Exchange Name. Please try again.")

    # Set up instruments for Ticker Data
    instruments = [
        (exchange_map[exchange_name], security_id, marketfeed.Ticker)
    version = "v2"  # API version

        # Initialize market feed connection for live ticker data
        data = marketfeed.DhanFeed(client_id, access_token, instruments, version)
        print(f"Fetching Live Ticker Data and Minute OHLC Data for {security_id} on {exchange_name}...")
        await data.connect()

        while True:
            # Get live ticker data
            response = data.get_data()
            if response:
                print(f"Ticker Data: {response}")

            # Fetch 1-minute OHLC Data from the Dhan API
            ohlc_data = get_ohlc_data(security_id, exchange_name)
            if ohlc_data:
                print(f"1-Minute OHLC Data: {ohlc_data}")

            # Sleep for 1 second to prevent spamming the API
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
        await data.disconnect()
        print("Connection closed.")

# Function to fetch 1-minute OHLC data from Dhan API
def get_ohlc_data(security_id, exchange_name):
    url = "https://api.dhan.co/v2/charts/intraday"
    payload = {
        "securityId": security_id,
        "exchangeSegment": exchange_name,
        "instrument": "INDEX",  # Use "INDEX" or adjust based on your security type
        "interval": "1",  # 1 minute interval
        "fromDate": "2024-11-01",  # Replace with the actual 'from' date (YYYY-MM-DD)
        "toDate": "2024-11-26",  # Replace with the actual 'to' date (YYYY-MM-DD)
    headers = {
        'access-token': access_token,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Accept': 'application/json',

    response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()  # Return the OHLC data in JSON format
        print(f"Error fetching OHLC data: {response.status_code}")
        return None

# Run the async function
if __name__ == "__main__":

Hello @Lowkey_1999

Are you getting an error here? or the code itself is not returning any values?