Higher Trades/P&L - General Discussion


Recently, I have learned a lot more strategies to hedge my positions, as well as learned to make few chart patterns which helped me identify break outs, made few sizeable profitable trades as well.

Today I observed that due to this, I traded a lot more in the month of Feb with sizeable turnover, charges, and profits, where as, my friends who trade F&O casually, do a lot less trades and mostly stick to buying naked OTM options for the moon shot.

Is it just me, or there is data to support that folks who make strategies, use chart patterns, sell options instead of buying, generally trade more frequently and make higher profits then those who trade casually?

@PravinJ curious to know your thoughts and what are you seeing for traders on dhan.

Hi @tarun101 Well the max we track at Dhan is feature adoption and usage, not individual trades or trading strategies.

Broadly, I think every trader has his or her own trading style that they develop over a period of time.

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@PravinJ You explicitly saying this gives me more peace of mind that Dhan does not track trading strategies.

Please do keep up with this sort of strong ethics. :clap:t2:

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