Hi All,
I have created a basket but have not executed the orders yet. I want to know the payoff chart before executing the orders. How can I check that ?
Hi @Mamta ,
Welcome to Dhan Community !
We have introduced custom pay-off chart on option trader web wherein you can add your strategy and analyze the pay-off directly (attached screenshot). Post that you can either execute it or add to basket. Hope this helps.
Further, we have noted your suggestion to add the pay-off chart for basket directly. Thank you !
HI ,
Thanks, I have added it to the basket without checking the payoff chart. But now I want to check the payoff chart. Is it possible?
Hi @Mamta
We have your feedback for the basket pay-off chart.
Also, Can we change the theme of ‘Option trader’ to black, because I cannot see it anywhere.
And it would be go if we can see compiled P&L on the top banner in the ‘Option Trader’ interface. As of now we have to scroll down to see it.
At this moment, theme is not available on option trader web. Noted your suggestion.
Further, we do show combined p&l on top of the position tab (refer screenshot). Request you to email us at feedback@dhan.co with more details of your P&L banner requirement in Option Trader Web.
but probablity of profit (POP) not seen in info of pay off chart please add it.
Hi @vrpatilisl
We do have a pay-off simulation to check max profit & max loss with Greeks, you need to scroll down on the Option Trader web to check the same. (refer to the attached screenshot)