How is the experience of margin trading for delivery based using 4x

Want to know how is delivery based margin trading using 4x here ? How is experience , i used in axis direct but was so confusing specially at times when stocks were down as they kept on debiting , can some one explain clearly how it works

Hi @Csk ,

We have written a detailed post on Margin Funding here Introducing Margin Trading Facility (MTF) on Dhan: Now Trade with Less πŸ’°. You can also get to know more about how Margin Funding works on Dhan here Margin Trading Facility πŸ’° How to Invest & Trade with MTF? πŸ“ˆ Margin Trading Funding Explained | Dhan - YouTube .

Product @ Dhan

It’s good but just require little mathematical explanation , if I have 1 lak and I only use 3x that’s 3 lak , and stock value drops to 285000 , will i have to inject money in this case too or no need as it’s not less than 20 percent

Dear @Csk ,

You will receive a margin call from us as soon as there is any margin shortfall and you will need to maintain MTM margins.

Product @ Dhan

this is complete senseless reply. What he had ask here reply in the same you think we are here just to be in darkness and eagerly waiting for your margin call?i have the same question. Suppose i have bought 5lakh rs share and got leverage of 20 my total buying is 25 what point i will get margin shortfall call.
and if my loss is 3 lakh then it will be debited from my 5 lakhs actual capital immediately