How to know the total amount I added from my bank account to Dhan till date

How to check how much money have I added from my bank account to dhan till date?

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Hi @sv28 At this moment there is no quick way to get this. Will explore if we could add this as a feature sometime.

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@PravinJ The Pay-in & Pay-out link under “Money” used to show the info earlier. But now the transactions are not showing up properly in web or app.

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Hey @t7support ,

Noted. This will start reflecting correctly shortly.

Product @ Dhan

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Not reflecting correctly yet.

Hey @t7support ,

We had restricted the transactions to show only 7 days of pay ins & payouts to reduce the load from our systems when we were facing downtimes. Trying to find a more efficient way to store & reflect this info because of which it is taking a bit longer than expected. Please be assured that we are on it.


Thanks @Pranita. This was a very useful feature. The only way we can now verify pay in and payout is by inspecting the ledger summary. If we fetch ledger summary it is going to put more load on your system I guess. So if you can bring this feature back with custom date ranges it would be very helpful for Dhan and us.

Definitely @t7support . We are surely bringing it back.

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@t7support @sv28 Though a long process but you can check by Profile > Money > Ledger Statement > Select Account Opening Date to Today and Sort by Narration to group all the FUNDS RECEIVED together.

Having said this we would be soon launching the revamped version of Ledger Statement along with Analysis Report (Consider this as Cash Flow Analysis of your Ledger).

Yes I am aware of this. But its a long process as u noted.

:pray: Thanks

@sv28 @t7support We’ve introduced an updated version of Ledger, complete with a live Analysis Report feature. Kindly retrieve your Ledger and share your feedback with us based on your experience.


Can it be fetched using API as well?

@iamshrimohan it’s still not showing up the money added through bank account. Fund summary section still shows nothing. I tried selecting custom date range and no transactions are coming up. This is basic feature that all broker should provide.

@sv28 no the report can be sent only via a email for now.

@SagarK I guess you are referring to the incorrect screen. Request you to kindly fetch ledger from Profile > Statements > Ledger. Request the statement on email. The CSV will not have the cash flow

Thanks @iamshrimohan. Sorry for the late response. The new ledger is better than the previous one. But I think it is showing erroneous value (Fund Received line item) when I took the report for about 1.5yrs. Also the “Pay-in & Pay-out History” was much better as it neatly showed the date wise payin and payouts. It was very easy to track and reconcile with the bank account. If you can restore the functionality as before it would be great.


@t7support I’ll get this checked. Meanwhile you can refer to the adjacent Sheet for Ledger and filter on the column “Entry Type” to get the Pay-IN and Pay-OUT History with date.

Ya am aware of that. That is an extra step that’s all. But for traders who don’t have much excel knowledge the “Pay-in & Pay-out History” was a boon.

@t7support Yea. will get that added as well.

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I can get Pay-IN and Pay-OUT History for one month, though i selected custom time period. Please guide me to get all Pay-IN and Pay-OUT History. Thanks

@kpom You can find the cashflow on the second sheet (if you’re using the Excel version) or at the end (if you’re viewing the PDF version). Please refer to the new ledger available for request under Profile > Statements and Reports, and consider selecting dates from when your account was opened or has been active till present date to generate a comprehensive cashflow summary of all incoming (payin) and outgoing (payout) funds to and from Dhan.