How Traders Can Contribute to Society?

Considering the belief that our professions should contribute to well-being of society, How can a Trader contribute to society through their work?

For each trade we pay tax to govt. For the profit we make again we pay income tax to govt. Govt inturn can use this for public welfare.

We also bring liquidity and price discovery for investors to pour in money to business entities with which they can offer their products and services to society.



Thanks @t7support :slightly_smiling_face:
are there other ways our work can directly benefit society?

Teach about trading, financial markets. Trader thus can venture into educational services… :slightly_smiling_face:


Would be great justice to teach others “the tricks of your trade” - 90% still lose money and many are middle class wanting to make a few bucks for better living! :slight_smile: @Champion_Trader

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Thanks @t7support & @aaridrakamanu :blush:
Yes, Teaching is a good option , but do we need any special certification from SEBI for that? Or can we just start teaching without it? I don’t know much about the regulatory framework regarding teaching or mentorship.

Teaching is unregulated which is y teaching is a big buisness.

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ok, I’ll look into it further :+1:

:grimacing: :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face: