I like the new ScanX's Filter Approach BUT

I like the new filter design and concept. It’s Simple yet Unique design. Previous design was like all just dump of all filters, SMA, Previous SMA, SMA 10 , Previous SMA 10 etc…It appeared that no effort had been made to present technical filters correctly, but now they are more organized and grouped.

Now here’s the issue, I don’t know why team do half work. Find below feedback…

  1. Why are we displaying numerical ranges for technical filters? For exmple, the SMA has a range of 0 to 157959.06. How do we select the value? It seems useless. There should be an option like

These SMA options make a lot of sense and apply to nearly every filter.

  1. Why limit the analysis to just the 5 and 15-minute timeframes? What was the reasoning behind choosing only these two? Why not include 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 6 hours? If we can calculate averages for shorter timeframes, how is it different for longer ones? Personally, I was interested in the hourly timeframe.

  2. Some filters with parameters, such as the MACD Line and MACD Signal, have a bug when saving. When saved, these filters saved as blank filters.
    The filters still only allow for default parameters and length. It seems the team is trying to copy TradingView’s functionalities but lacks the capabilities to do so.

  3. Many new filters are either not receiving data or receiving incorrect data.

I have already posted two feedback messages in this community; this will be my third and final one if the team does not respond promptly. I hope the feedback above is taken and acted upon.

@Naman @PravinJ


Screenshot for bug mentioned in above.

Hello @priyanka_gupta

Noting this feedback down, will definitely take this up. The options that you suggested are definitely an improvement, will try to incorporate this.

We are building the product step by step, pushing enhancements each week. Yes, this is on our plan as well along with longer timeframes.

Will do debugging on this and get back to you as soon as we have fixed this. Rest assured, we are listening to each feedback here and will keep on building scanx as your research tool

Thank you for taking the time out and writing this. We are on it.