I checked that out, and like I said before, the web app only displays the holding time for closed positions on the tax P&L page. While this info is useful for filing taxes, it doesn’t really aid in planning for them.
I faced this roadblock myself while I was trying to find the holding period for tax loss and profit harvesting. I realized that it would be much more helpful if the holding period for active holdings was listed under the journal/holdings or journal/reports/p&l.
It would be nice to see if other users would find this feature useful if it were added later on. With the growing interest in tax loss and profit harvesting among retail investors, they might really appreciate having this option. Personally, I can navigate around any challenges, so you wouldn’t need to create this feature just for me. But if the team believes it could benefit others, it might be worth considering.
There was also a recent chat about how seeing the holding period next to current holdings can be really beneficial.