I think it would be great to have this feature on the platform

I’m not sure if Dhan already has this feature implemented.

While I was checking the back office of my main broker, I realized that this particular feature would really help folks who are doing Profit and Loss Harvesting.

While I was looking at the holdings, I noticed there wasn’t a column that showed how long a security has been in the account.

It would have been much easier for tax planning if there were a straightforward way to filter stocks in holdings that fall under STCG or LTCG.

Is there anyone who knows if this feature can be found in Dhan’s Back Office platform? Has anyone had the opportunity to give it a try?

Hi @Brishide ,

We have Age and Tax under your portfolio section for viewing the tax implications and ageing on your demat holdings We have explained this in detail over here :

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It’s good to know that this feature is already available on Dhan.

I will begin using the platform more actively starting April, 2025.

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Thrilled to share that we are now live with Journal by Dhan. One single platform for reporting and analytics of all your trades. Read more on this here - Introducing Journal by Dhan - All New Platform for Reports, Analysis & Profile Management

I recently checked the web platform and found a similar feature, but it’s only available under the section journal/reports/tax. In that section, the holding period is displayed, but only for stocks that have already been sold.

It would be really helpful if this feature were also available under other sections like journal/holdings or journal/reports/p&l.

Having access to the holding period in these areas would be valuable, as it would provide a clearer picture of unrealized gains and losses, especially in identifying short-term and long-term holdings for tax planning purposes

Hi @Brishide


Thanks for your input! We can include the holding period in the P&L report.

However, we recommend you using the Tax P&L report, as it already provides all the details you need. It is a more comprehensive and advanced version of the P&L report. We’d suggest downloading or emailing it to review the details.

If you still feel that this information should be included in the P&L report or have any other suggestions, please let us know!

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I checked that out, and like I said before, the web app only displays the holding time for closed positions on the tax P&L page. While this info is useful for filing taxes, it doesn’t really aid in planning for them.

I faced this roadblock myself while I was trying to find the holding period for tax loss and profit harvesting. I realized that it would be much more helpful if the holding period for active holdings was listed under the journal/holdings or journal/reports/p&l.

It would be nice to see if other users would find this feature useful if it were added later on. With the growing interest in tax loss and profit harvesting among retail investors, they might really appreciate having this option. Personally, I can navigate around any challenges, so you wouldn’t need to create this feature just for me. But if the team believes it could benefit others, it might be worth considering.

There was also a recent chat about how seeing the holding period next to current holdings can be really beneficial.

Hi @Brishide

Thanks for sharing! Happy to share that something along similar lines is already on our roadmap. We’re working on a feature that will help with tax loss and profit harvesting, as well as updating the holding period of stocks.


Thank you for the clarification. It’s good to know that this is on your roadmap and actively being worked on.

Could you share an estimated timeline for the rollout of this update? Having a timeframe would help in planning accordingly.