Incorrect Price on Index Chart in the last 10 minutes on expiry day

Hello team,
Just look at this chart (BANK NIFTY) during the time 3:15 to 3:30

Time Frame : 1 min

8 May 48000 Call (Expiry Day)
Time Frame : 1min

  1. During the last 5 minutes, the BANK NIFTY index chart is in the range 48070-48090 (if this is the real range the Call premium would have been 70-90 Rs as well, which was not the case. The premium was moving around 20 to 22 )
  2. Also just look at the close price on Index chart it is 48101, but the Actual Closing price of Index is 48021. Premium chart also confirms the closing price of 48021 (because premium is 21 for 48000 CE)

Can someone explain why is there so much difference in the chart data and the actual closing price in the Index ??

  • This is a problem for someone who trades by looking at the chart. Because the chart is telling me that Call premium should be around 80 Rs during the last 5 min, while it was just 20Rs. So a trader will try to benefit from this divergence (Why 80 Rs ? because the market is at 48080)
  • But what will happen at the end of market is, he will realise : “oh shit, the premium chart was actually correct and the information on index chart is wrong”

Hi @ghimanshu,

We will get this checked and review the same.

You guys need to optimize the chart… Some times they lag …

Hello Did you find why there is difference in the chart and actual price ?
The same happened today as well in NIFTY Expiry.

Seems like it happens on all the expiry