Instant applock after exit while using biometric lock

When i turn on biometric lock my app doesnt lock after exiting it.
I discussed with customer care they said it remains open for 8 hours
But why i have a small brother who play games on my phone he can easily access my dhan app…
If i turn off biometric lock app asks for password and otp everytime why not with biometric lock?
Using password is bit hactic as some people generally has large passwords.

Hi @Akshat_agr14

No additional login or biometric verification is needed while your ongoing session is valid. Once it expires, you’ll be prompted to log in again. We’ve noted your feedback on MPIN and biometric authentication.

Totally agreed with your point. You were told 8 hrs but in my case, I was told its proprietary technology and uses user behaviour to lock after certain time.

I told why not bring an option where user can switch to 8hrs or instant locking. but i think they simply denied. maybe some limitation on tech part.

I would suggest you to use native app lock feature in your phone. works fine in android. no idea on ios

Thats the prob some phones like iphone and samsung dont have applock… only option u got is install 3rd party app for app lock which is just trash…those apps are easy to bypass…
For samsung u get secure folder but its boring to use…
I agree with you they may have prob on tech side but its their problem to fix nowadays all apps provide this feature its a very basic needs nowadays…
I had a frnd whose app was not locked so someone did wroge trade on his account to hurt him he filed complaint with dhan… dhan replied :- they cant help…

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