How to check Interest charged on MTF by dhan and pledge - unpledge charges also? How to check these charges in Dhan application?
Hi @GopalGupta
All pricing details about Dhan are mentioned here: Pricing & Brokerage Charges | Dhan
To know more on MTF charges right when you are placing the order, on MTF Order screen Dhan has MTF Funding Estimator. We have explained about MTF including the Funding Estimator on this video:
I took a trade in mtf and close trade after 5 days then how to check interest charged, pledge- unpledge charges in dhan app?
Sure. The pledge charges on Dhan are INR 12.5 per request + taxes, same is mentioned on the Pricing link added above.
For your MTF interest, you can check this in ledger statement and in addition to this whenever you are holding stocks in portfolio with MTF, you will receive an MTF Margin and Position report everyday on your registered email.
Hi, while mtf interest calculation, normal ledger credit balance will be adjusted or not if mtf ledger has debit and normal ledger has credit balances
Hi @Pankaj,
The MTF interest is charged for funded amount irrespective of ledger debit or credit. You may also explore the MTF FAQs available at the bottom of the website here.
Ok 2 queris
if i want to pay mtf funded amount say after 10 days, what is the process, will i be requird to add funds in account as usual
If cash balance is already there in ledger and i want to set off that amount fully or in part against mtf funded amount then what will be process
@Pankaj, Here is the answers for your queries.
If you wish to convert MTF shares, you need to maintain the required funds (funded value), and just need to click on the particular MTF share from portfolio >> “Convert to Delivery”. Read more here.
The process is seamless as mentioned above and it can only be converted by maintaining full value of the particular MTF scrip.
Mtf interst is debited daily or monthly in ledger as daily debit means daily componding of rate and effective monthly interest rate will be much higher
Hi @Pankaj
An interest rate of 15.99% pa or 0.0438% per day will be charged on the funded amount via MTF. This will be posted weekly into your ledger.
How to check this in our ladger regularly? I am using icicidirect also there is everything transparent you can check charged mtf interest c daily in ledger. Everything shoud be transtransparent. Even we can’t see the charges , taxs, p&L details in trader dairy
Hi @GopalGupta Have answered your query earlier.
Traders Diary will show realised gains for respective days.
Hi @GopalGupta
We want to inform you the Lower MTF rates on Dhan, now starting at just 12.49% p.a.
Read more details here!